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Tourism: Exploring the ecological wonders of the world – Ghana

Ghana is a paradise for nature lovers, with its sunny equatorial climate and fertile soils sustaining a diverse range of wildlife, including elephants, monkeys, marine turtles, crocodiles, and bird and butterfly species. Over 5% of the country’s surface area is protected in 16 national parks, including popular tourist destinations like Mole National Park and Kakum National Park.

Ghana has become a pioneer in community-based ecotourism, fostering a mutually beneficial relationship between conservationists, tourists, and local communities.

The Boabeng-Fiem Monkey Santuary, established in 1995, is the flagship for over two dozen community-based tourism projects across Ghana, including Wechiau Hippo Sanctuary, Amansuri Wetland Sanctuary, Domana Rock Shrine, and Sirigu’s painted houses and pottery.

The highest number of community-based ecotourism sites may be found in Ghana’s Volta Region, which also provides fantastic outdoor experiences such as hiking, meandering, and mountain riding. The highest peak in Mount Afadjato, the majestic forests and waterfalls of Amedzofe, the sacred monkeys of Tafi Atome, and the tallest cascade in West Africa, Wli Falls, are among the attractions.

Ghana is also a popular destination for birdwatchers, with 725 species recorded in an area similar to Great Britain as casual visitors can see colorful savannah birds and eagles in the drier north. Serious birdwatchers could also explore the elusive rainforest interiors of Kakum, Bui, and Ankasa, as well as the diverse marine species on coastal lagoons.

Also, Ghana’s 500km Atlantic Coastline is home to beautiful palm-lined beaches, including Ada Foah, an endangered marine turtle nesting site. Elmina and Cape Coast beaches offer historical sightseeing and idyllic surroundings. Less developed areas around Busua, Axim, and Beyin provide a peaceful escape. For those with limited time, La or Coco Beach offers lively white sand expanses on the outskirts of Accra.

Various tourist destinations in Ghana includes.

1. Wechiau Hippo Sanctuary
A protected area consisting of a 40km stretch down the leangh of the Black Volta River. It is a home to hippos, bats, chameleans, hedgehogs and many different types of lizards and snakes

2.Owabi Wildlife Sanctuary
The simplest way to characterize Owabi is as a secondary forest encircling a sizable water reservoir. It’s a peaceful location with an abundance of wildlife and interesting forest trails. For hundreds of Mona Monkeys and winter-migrating birds, it’s the perfect spot.

3.Kakum National Park &Assin Attadanso Resource Reserve
Kakum and Assin Attandanso reserves are a twin National Park and Resource Reserve, covering 350 km2 of moist evergreen forest zone.

Established in 1991, the reserve features 40 species of larger mammals, 200 bird species, and over 400 species of butterflies with it being the most developed and subscribed eco-tourism site among wildlife conservation areas, with its high-elevating trees reaching 65 meters and also being home to over 400 species of butterflies.

4.Nini Suhien National Park & Ankasa Resource Reserve
Nini Suhien National Park and Ankasa Resources Reserve are two Wildlife Protected Areas in Ghana’s Western Region, rich in biodiversity. With about 300 plant species recorded in a single hectare, these areas are largely unexplored but have recorded 43 mammal species, 10 primate species, and a rich bird fauna. The reserves provide a good example of the West African evergreen forest for tourists.

5.Paga Crocodile Pond
Page, a sacred crocodile sanctuary in Ghana, is a unique example of a friendly relationship between crocodiles and humans. Despite being considered wild, Paga crocodiles coexist with humans, a contrast to the common perception of crocodiles as dangerous. It is customary to show respect to Paga crocodiles, and visitors often witness them without harm after a fowl sacrifice. This unusual interaction is normal for the people of Paga but a mystery to visitors.

6.Mole National
This park was established in 1958 and re-designated a National Park in 1971. It covers an area of 4,840 km2of undulating terrain with steep scarps. The vegetation is pristine Guinea savanna with gallery forests along the rivers and streams. The Park has over 90 mammal species notably elephants, buffalo, roan, kob, hartebeest, waterbuck and 4 primate species. Lion, leopard and hyena also occur and over 300 bird species have been recorded.

7.Boabeng – Fiema Monkey Sanctuary
Boabeng-Fiema Monkey Sanctuary is a community-based sanctuary in the Nkoranza district of Brong Ahafo Region, focusing on protecting the headwaters of streams and preserving the Black and White Colobus, Mona, spot nosed monkeys, and various birds.

The sanctuary is regarded as the children of the community’s gods and is protected by traditional taboos. However, recent affluence and weakening enforcement of taboo sanctions threatened the survival of the monkeys.

To strengthen traditional protection, the local people formed the sanctuary under district Assembly byelaws, assisted by the Wildlife Department. This is the first protected area where local indigenous protection systems have been given statutory back-up enforcement of traditional wildlife protection in the country. The sanctuary is easily accessible by road and has a modest resthouse facility.

8. Shai Hills Resource Reserve
The reserve consists of a very striking and attractive range of rocky hills set in the middle of expansive open and wooded grassland plain. The rocks are visible in many places as impressible and sleep cliffs and large and attractive rocky outcrops. The reserve is fenced to prevent animals from straying out. It consists of a prominent isolated hill ridge of hornblende gneiss surrounded by an area of Accra Plain savannah. There are beautiful scenic views across the Accra Plain from the top.

9.Gbele Resource Reserve
Wa, the regional capital, Nadowli, and Tumu, the district capital, are partially inside the boundaries of the Gbele resource reserve. Wa is 89 miles away from the reserve, while Tumu is 61 km away. The open savannah woodland’s vegetation type is present.Beside wildlife like Roan Antelope, Waterbuck, Hartebeest, Bushbuck, Savannah Duikers, Baboons, Patas monkeys, Green monkeys, and more, Gbele takes pride in its association with these species.

10.Bomfobiri Wildlife Sanctuary
Among its protected species, Bomfobiri Wildlife Sanctuary takes pride in housing the rare bare headed rock fowl. Bomfobiri is a showcase of a rare tropical landscape.

11.Kyabobo National Park
Kyabobo National Park, located in the Nkwanta district of the Northern Volta Region, is a 359.8 km² dry semi-deciduous forest zone with a variety of plant and animal species. It contains the nationally endangered endemic tree Talbotiella gendtii. Common animals include Buffalo, Kob, Warthog, Aardvark, and Baboon. Threatened species like Lion, Elephant, Bongo, Reedbuck, and Hartebeest may recolonize the park from nearby Fazao National Park in Togo. Tourist infrastructure development is underway in Fazaso, making Kyabobo an attractive destination.

12.Keta Lagoon Complex Ramsar Site
The Keta Lagoon Complex, a wetland protected area in Ghana, spans 1200km² and 300km², with a management area of 300km². Its main conservation objective is to protect thousands of migratory birds, mangrove forests, and sea turtle breeding grounds. The largest lagoon in Ghana, with its brackish waters, offers special attractions for othologists, bird watchers, and tourists. Despite its potential, the site is yet to be developed for tourism.

13.Bia National Park & Resource Reserve/Biosphere Reserve
Bia National Park and Bia Resource Reserve are a twin conservation area located in the transitional zone between moist-evergreen and moist semi-deciduous forest types. Covering 305.62km² of the original National Park, the reserve includes 277.92km² Bia Resource Reserve and 77.7km² National Park. It is the only Biosphere Reserve in the country and has recorded over 160 species of birds, including the internationally endangered white-breasted guinea fowl. The park is home to 10 primates, forest elephant, and bongo.

14.Tagbo Falls
Liate Wote, home of the serene Tagbo Falls and Mt Afadjato, the highest mountain in Ghana (2950 ft above sea level) is a peaceful village nestled at the foot of the range of mountains that make up the Ghana-Togo border.

15.Wli Falls
The Wli Natural Reserve which is 20km from Hohoe is gaining a lot of popularity in the subregion of West Africa. Water cascades year-round, making it a perennial feature. Situated at the boundary of the Agumatsa Wildlife Sanctuary, it is home to numerous fruit bats along with a few monkeys and antelopes. At a height of almost 1,600 feet, the water falls.

16.Aburi Botanical Garderns
The Aburi Botanic Garden is one of the most beautiful, peaceful and fascinating places in Ghana. Opened in March, 1890, and covering 64.8 hectares and overlooking the Accra coastal plain from an elevation of 370 to 460 metres above sea level, the Aburi Botanic Garden is a must experience for every Ghanaian as well as visitors to Ghana.

17.Xafi Bird Watching Santuary
The Lotor river at Xavi is nestled by coastla savannah fringing the wetlands of the Avu Lagoon in which a great diversity of birds can be viewed whilst padding a canoe across the river.

18.Bunso Arboretum
Discover the beauty of Bunso Arboretum. This is a 6.5 hectare protected forest reserve, which is home to over 110 species of birds, butterflies, different kinds or herbs and indigenous trees.

You are welcome to this picturesque hilltop settlement of extraordinary beauty, which rests at 2,500 ft above sea level. it is an ideal location for toursists looking for a refreshing, near temparature climate and panoramic view.

20.Tafi Atome Monkey Santuary
Tafi Monkey Sanctuary, a sacred grove in Ghana’s Volta Region, is home to Mona and Patas monkeys, regarded as gods by locals. The sanctuary, backed by statutory enforcement and local communities, is a remnant patch of forests that has survived fire and human disturbance. Similar sacred groves and burial grounds are widespread in the region, which could be developed for small-scale tourism to enhance rural development.

21.Digya National Park
The Digya National Park was gazatted in 1971 and covers an area of 3,478 km2 of undulating terrain with sandstone inselbergs. It is situated on the western shores of the Volta Lake. Guinea savanna woodland predominates with gallery forest along the major lines. The Park supports at least six primate species including black and white colobus, elephants and a variety of antelopes. Manatee and clawless otter are also reported to be present in the Park.

22.Agumatsa Wildlife Sanctuary
Agumatsa can boast of spectacular geographical features in the district. A forty-five minutes nature walk through cool shades of trees will finally get you to Ghana highest waterfalls (800m). The magnificent view of the falls is enhanced not only by the towering face of the gorge but most extraordinarily by the several thousands of yellow coloured bats clinging to its sides.

23.Bui National Park
Bui National Park, Ghana’s third largest Wildlife Protected Area, spans 1,821km² and is located in a woodland savanna zone. It is known for its Hippo population in the Black Volta, endangered primates like the black and white colobus monkey, and various antelopes and birds, as well as stunning gallery forests along river courses.



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