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Fact Check
Fact Check: Can turmeric tonic cure cancer?
Rashidat Oladele
Claim: Tumeric tonic can cure cancer.
Fact check: Can cooking method make rice suitable for diabetes patients ?
Rashidat Oladele
Claim: Cooking method can make rice suitable for diabetes patients.
Fact check: Can coconut husk replace plastic styrofoam coolers?
By Rashidat Oladele
Claim: Coconut husk replaces plastic styrofoam coolers.
Sam Bentley,…
Fact check: Can banana heal heartburn faster than anti acids?
Rashidat Oladele
Claim: Banana can heal heartburn faster than anti acids
A pharmacist by…
Fact check: Can solar panel cause fire hazard?
Rashidat Oladele
Claim: Solar panel causes fire hazard
A Facebook and TikTok…
Fact check: Can ancient lymphatic tapping cure heart blockage?
Rashidat Oladele
Claim: Ancient lymphatic tapping can cure heart blockage
An Instagram…
Fact check : Can holistic remedy heal fatty liver naturally?
Rashidat Oladele
Claim: Holistic remedy will heal fatty liver naturally
Fact check: Does saltwater really power the waterlamp energy?
Rashidat Oladele
Claim: Saltwater supplies energy to the waterlamp for 45 hours
On March…
Fact check: Is Urine the best skincare treatment ?
Rashidat Oladele
Claim: Urine is the best skincare treatment
Fact Check: Is the Pacific Ocean larger than all earth land area combined?
Rashidat Oladele
Claim: Pacific Ocean covers more area than all the land masses on earth
A post was made on…