Zimbabwe Launch Probe After Mass Wildlife Deaths in Lake Chivero

The Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority (ZimParks) has dispatched a team to conduct “broader” investigations at Lake Chivero after fish and wildlife died from contamination.
This is in response to the alarming levels of pollution in Lake Chivero, Harare’s primary water source, adversely affecting aquatic and wildlife life. Four white rhinoceros, three zebras, as well as birds and livestock, died as a result of drinking water that contained cyanobacteria. In addition, over 1,000 dead fish have washed ashore, raising concerns for local fishermen and consumers.
Lake Chivero is one of Zimbabwe’s seven Ramsar-protected sites as a wetland of international importance and a vital water source for the country. It is abundant with a variety of fish species, including tilapias and catfish.
Source: allAfrica.com