Protecting Our Planet for Healthy Liviing

Compiled by Obiabin Onukwugha
Five ways to become a Earth healer
1) Eat natural fruits and save the seeds
2) Plant the seeds of fruits and vegetables
3) Nurture your garden and domestic pets
4) Encourage young people especially children to take care of gardens, farms and uproot weeds that choke growing plants
5) Promote recycling of household items to ensure waste management is done properly
Source: Ecofem Tales
Preventing environmental pollution can save lives. There is clear scientific evidence on how environmental, chemical and air pollution as well as climate change threaten and impact our health.
Why we need to protect our planet
1. A healthy planet for healthy people
Preventing environmental pollution can save lives and reduce the toll of diseases. EU laws can reduce environmental pollution.
Zero pollution: Beat pollution today, prevent disease tomorrow, for everyone
High level panel: Why urgent action on the EU’s Zero Pollution ambition matters for health – voices from communities and vulnerable groups
2. Protection of the most vulnerable
A polluted environment is most dangerous for children, older people, those already sick and people living in poverty.
3. Climate action for health
People in every region of the world are increasingly seeing their health affected by the climate emergency.Action to tackle it can provide immediate and significant health benefits to people and the environment.
4. An EDC-free future
Everyday exposure to hormone disrupting chemicals contributes to modern health epidemics like breast cancer and prostate cancer, obesity and diabetes as well as infertility and learning disorders.
5. Clean up the air we breathe
Air pollution is the number one environmental threat to health in Europe, leading to 400,000 early deaths each year.
6. Stop pesticides to promote health
Pesticides in our food, water and air can increase the risk of cancer and infertility, harm children’s healthy development and disrupt our hormonal systems.
7. Healthy, renewable and efficient energy
Burning coal for energy production is the most polluting form of power generation and we pay for it with our health and our healthcare budgets.