Where Natives Cannot Cheat Nature Part 1; The Sleep Protocol For Wellness And Productivity

The sleep protocol of natives in the 21st century has been a dicey issue across various platforms. Nature itself poses a huge surprise on natives for those impossible attempts made by natives. Many have witnessed the good, bad and the ugly trends among the individuals, in the homes and as a lifestyle by many. Many natives have seen sleep as a luxury, while to others it’s fun catching some sleep and yet to some others, it’s a fight. Hear this from nature- You are to enjoy sleep and not to endure it.
What is sleep regimen? It is the basic outline and practices that has become a common day habit…guiding the activities of sleep, before, on and after for which as natives you are either in control or being controlled. Checking for poor or great sleep is a direct reflection of one’s sleep regimen.
- Basic truth about an efficient sleep regimen. An analytical diagnosis people fail to know…
- Detention cluster of the sleep mastery assessment test ( rating from 0-31% )portends a “reckless” abandonment as a condition not by design but via a retinue of long time acceptable. This would mean a clarion call to an urgent comprehensive behavioral procedures
- Most of the respondents’parameters must never skewed towards the lower trend of vibration; meaning that personal efforts on the assessment have not yielded much over time.
- Behavioral anomaly in most cases doesn’t feature in terms of immediate consequence; its workings could be deeply entrenched within for undue accumulation.
- One under the weather of violation, many natives may be good at some other personal lifestyle protocols but highly deficiency in sleep…|this is robbing Peter to Paul”|
- Any sleep regimen which over time shows a deplorable situation after many empirical testing needs to be crashed and reconstructed through basic psychosocial intervention. Wasting time over this scenario is dangerous to health, wellness and productivity.
- Long term sleep deficit as a regime has a way of conditioning the individual into a fake believe system. That situation over time soon poses as a “behavioral normalcy”… In the actual fact, it is imposter which must be dethroned and reconstructed.
- Sleep mastery in the abnormal could look okay on the surface but hold great damages for the vital hygiene protocols.
- signature lessons of an efficient and effective sleep regime
1. How restful, calm and fresh do you feel when awake? Every great sleep is seen not only by the science or art of it. Beyond the resources of sleep is the resultant effect of sleep. A sense of freshness and rest is integral for great sleep, mentally, emotionally and physically. Waking up on the wrong side of the bed could mean restlessness and ruggedness after waking up. Lower score here is a call to behavioral interception
2. Environmental conduciveness; every form of disturbing scenario must be avoided, emotionally, physically and otherwise. Both internal and external environment is vital for great sleep; to avoid emotional distortion, mental distraction through analytical thinking and reasoning. This point must be ahallmark of preparation for all natives.
- Observance; regularity of sleep protocol observance or fixed routine of sleep. Invest better into sleep procedure than the haphazard one. The regular pattern of sleep promotes great sleep than the irregular. Always maintain a regular sleep protocol as much as possible..
- Accuracy and adequacy quotient; a great sleep is an adequate sleep that is also accurate to time. Sleeping less than 7-8 hours in a long time could endanger restful sleep. Natives must rest well in order to relate well with nature.
- Sleeping without hang-ups; several mental and emotional hang ups, abuse and deviations can cause sleep deprivation. A troubled mind can lead to an agitated emotion that could introduce worries and anxieties into sleep disposition. Avoid all back logs of activities.
- Investible sleep conditioning; Some people see sleep as a mere activity that waste time and so they don’t invest into sleep. Investing in sleep means seeing the output of sleep in building great energies, allowing for body building and vital metabolic process. Conditioning the approach to bed on a favorable note settles the resolve of the mind for quality sleep.
- Daily equilibrium balance; a great sleep is not the one that wakes into worries. Sleep enables one ability, activity and reality to attain harmony. This is where everything needing to be removed is removed and everything needing to be restored in the mind is restored. Sleep that is great defines personal balance in order to allow for harmony with one self.
- Enjoyed and not endured sleep; a great sleep is an interesting sleep void of crisis. Before, on or after, it is enjoyed and not endured. It is the beauty of nature in manifestation when natives enjoy sleep continually.
- Absence of sleep deficit; a great sleep protocol by natives does not accumulate sleep pattern in arrears. It is a timely observance without back logs. Sleeping at least for 6-8 hours consecutively by natives is pivotal for effective coordination with nature. Avoid sleep delays while you construct the obvious.
- Mastery over symptoms of deprivation; control measure, whether intentional or unintentional, an individual must know and be in charge of the sleep deprived symptoms, whether intentional, inadvertent or a derivatives of disorders.
Behavioral modification all the way!!!!!!!! Are you going through sleep deprivation and merely enduring the protocols instead of enjoying it? Request your“Sleep Mastery Assessment Test (SMAT 101) to for the causative factors and helps against abuse at james1kom@gmail.com or 08035999220. Don’t crash out before your time!!!!.Delay is dangerous. Transforming your life as a native via great sleep is critical to your overall transformation
3 stages of behavioral modification for natives
- Thesis – What is ongoing in your sleep pattern?What are the issues round it? The implication and consequences?
- Anti –thesis-What are the value creation initiatives orchestrated to confront the anomalies in your sleep in order to translate things to a positive reality and profitable advantage as natives.
- It must be authentic, standardized, reliable, practicable and systematic. It is usually fact and figures hitting the ground running for natives who want to get the best out of nature.
- Synthesis- It is a natural consequence of phase1 and phase 2. It is the delivery of the marriage of phase1 and 2. The birthof an effective sleep policy framework…..programmes and policy objectives towards creating a long lasting change in the sleep pattern and protocols.
- Our thesis (violation/sleep deprivation over a long period of time).
- Anti-thesis are solutions in the form of models and modules, psychometric tests to confront the monster; pragmatics and role playing
- The synthesis; new strategies leading to ethical and sound sleep behavior pattern that creates value initiatives, drive innovation, service contribution, from personal deprivation to value transformation. This is the whole essence of behavioral change. So let’s hit the ground running with the practicalities.
- We are calling on all natives to institute an effective and efficient behavioral change for long term sustainability. The change must begin from the reader of this document. Life expectancy ratio must be boosted.All hands must be on deck to midwife the change giving the psycho infrastructure and apparatus to be provided for a comprehensive sleep programme upon request. Failure to check mate this menace would attract the 25 wraths of nature upon such natives!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE AVOID THIS OUTRIGHT, YOU CANNOT CHEAT NATURE!
Dr. James Komolafe is Consultant Behaviorist/ CEO -The School Of Articulation and Behavioral Alignment, Wuse Zone 2, Abuja Nigeria. A Florida Trained Cognitive Behavioral Therapist, Doctor of Behavioral Health, Member, Massachusetts GHP Academy (USA). 08035999220