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Nigerian wins UK award on sustainable environment

By Our Reporter

Nigeria’s environmental trailblazer and the winner of the 2024 Prince’s Trust Global Sustainability Award, Ridwan AbdulRazaq, has said that as of 2021, he encountered persistent obstacles in pursuing his ambition to enter the renewable sector.

However, as of today, Ridwan has been recognised in far away London, capital of the United Kingdom (UK), as the winner of the prestigious Prince’s Trust Global Sustainability Award at the 2024 Prince’s Trust Award.

He emerged the winner of the global award due to his outstanding contribution to advancing solar energy in Nigeria.

Checks revealed that Ridwan was one of the Audit Engineers at Starsight Energy where he introduced innovative and cost-effective solar solutions that significantly transformed Nigeria’s energy landscape.

His scope cut across Energy Audit and Solar System Design initiatives, significantly impacting Nigeria’s power system.

According to the Managing Director, Starsights Energy, Ladi Sanni, ”Ridwan’s work has extended access to renewable energy, while the dedication to sustainability continue to drive economic growth, lower carbon emissions and enhance the lives of countless Nigerians.

”We are thrilled and humbled by Ridwan’s achievements as they epitomise the potential of innovation in addressing pressing energy issues, making him a deserving cndidate for this prestigious award.”

Speaking during the Global Sustainability Award ceremony reception in London, Ridwan met His Majesty, King Charles III at the Buckingham Palace to celebrate the winner’s achievements.

Ridwan said, ”As of 2021, I encountered persistent obstacles in pursuing my ambition to enter the renewable sector. Through the Get Into Programme by Prince’s Trust International, which I discovered with the help of Field of Skills andDreams (FSD), I experience a truning point in achieving my aspirations.”

The elated Ridwan added saying, ”The professional energy and soft skills I gained have significantly enriched my personal life. As a result, the Get Into programme enabled me to secure my dream job, providing sustenance and profound fulfilment.”

Ridwan, the Prince’s Award receipient is helping to drive economic growth and lower carbon emissions as well as enhancing the lives of millions of fellow Nigerians especially the low income earners in the grssroots.

This achievement is a testament to Ridwan’s exceptional work, it shines a light on the inspirationl stories of young people, volunteers, and those who support their wider communities in the pursuit of a greener, sustainable future.


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