Native with nature: How to harmonize ‘nativity with nature’ for optimal productivity

Nature is what happens in us and around us and for us as natives. Being a native of a place means a biological and physiological existence finding and defining an origin from a certain place. As a matter of priority, we all began from the ground by nature as our origin.
Nature is not only what happen to us but who we are as humans essentially. What a vital lesson for everyone to know and realize..the way up is actually from down. While nature covers and conveys everything within and around the jurisdiction of the mortal man, nativity enjoins the man in turn to do all within his discretion and providence to align with nature where he finds value and defines his essence as a consequence. It is the birth of one or the beginning of an event that climaxes into deliveries of magnificent proportion.
Harmonizing with nature must first begin with the appreciation of nature in whatever capacity. Whether from the place of small or the position of the big! It is that union that bequeaths to nature a touch of class for good and for beauty. Remember, nature is never against you..It is for you, within and without!
(Rate yourself from 1 minimum to 10 maximum in each of the ten questions below and send the answers to
Examine– Locate your areas of strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in order to showcase your originality and precision. It is only by this realization; you can reflect the components of nature for the right decision. Nativity harmonizes with nature at its peak only when self realization is given a place of pride. Interaction with the environment is feasible where personal identity is not lost in the school.
Explore-Dig deeper into yourself for reserved abilities, competence, skills and at this time. Nature abhors vacuums. Fill yourself with those good stuffs of your personality. The earth and nature fast tracts your personal procedures of passionate appeal. Take that objective assessment that is borne out is most critical affront. Personal objective assessment and new decision create structures and features for nature. Indeed, variety is the spices of life.
Expand-The scope of influence vertically and horizontally on a positive note. Nothing exalts the earth and nature than a life on constant expansion. When you expand vertically, you bond more with superiors, parents, bosses and superiors which goes ahead to create a multiplier effect on nature. Where the natives cohere, nature co-exists with them for massive action.
Exercise– Spiritual, mental, emotional and physical exercises to keep fit during this period is reawaking and reassuring. Exercise in aerobics and other natural tendencies is not only energizing but rewarding. Nature releases energy and strengthens the mind and the emotion for fit and function.
Exterminate– Particles of fear, panic, boredom, stress, depression & other emotional imbalances. Nature has a way of amplifying your personal energy vibration. Being afraid for example manifest a similar response as you connect to the frequency of the universe. Getting rid of all imbalances make for strong emotional realities that perceive nature in a better light.
Excel– Perfecting every weakness and the inadequacies and building up the more excellent biometrics within the spectrum of excellent living is most fundamental. Nature celebrates perfection and rewards with productivity in every sense of it. Seek to excel in order to shine from the gift of nature.
Express-Connecting your flows within, joyfully fine-tuning for fullness has a direct impact on the natural environment. This has been the reason for the best of the edifices, architectural sky scrapers and business investment running into billions of naira and other resources. Defining your flow from within is precedent to finding your floor of operation on the outside. No expression, no impression upon nature.
Excite– Making yourself and others happy, radiant, catching fun via varieties is the game of existentiality. The earth is not for bondage but for excitement. Excitement only when you tap into your passion for a natural consequence. Joy and happiness is a personal decision irrespective of your condition. In the personal energy parlance, you materialize your most dominant thoughts and emotion.
Expose-Get expose to learning about nature within and without. You need to create the incentives for learning and get exposed to new sense of value, new ideas, initiatives, creativity and learning. Great habits foster effective relationship and efficient responsibilities to the universe of time for convergence. Never graduate from school- whether real or virtual, online of offline. Formal and informal. You preserve nature better when you desire learning.
Extol– Many people relate with nature without knowing and accepting the fact of thanksgiving. No man is ever a product of biological evidence. Glorifying God at all times and coming out radiant after COVID-19 with a difference has a way of adding abundance to a life. When you live on earth giving God praise all the time, He gives you a raise.
Many mysteries, miracles of excellence and relevance are most coded and loaded in nature. Do you want to maximize the gift of nature? Missing out on them is missing life and muddling priorities as you marshal a lifestyle that is enshrined in stress. Do you delight in enhancing your performance on nature and to get the best outcomes? Then submit the list of your best outcomes to for a comprehensive behavioral detail for your optimal outcomes….Africa shall be saved and the abundance of nature is waiting for your highest peak of vibration for convergence. To be continued ….
James Komolafe, CBT, Doctor of Behavioral Health/CEO-School of Articulation and Behavioral Alignment Resources SABA Resources(Part..sabanwn002) 08035999220