When it comes to natural mineral deposits, Nigeria is one of the top African countries that is richly blessed and with most of the mineral deposits yet untapped.
Manganese is deposited in the following states in Nigeria; Bauchi, Cross River, Benue, Borno, Adamawa, Kaduna, Kebbi, Katsina, Plateau, and Nasarawa.
Manganese is both a significant industrial chemical, critical for steel-making, and a strategic mineral, occurring in abundance only in certain countries. It is used effectively in CO2 sequestration, helping to mitigate greenhouse gas emission challenges around the world. For these reasons, exploration for manganese is very active, yet access to the primary academic literature can be a challenge, especially in field operations.
Manganese, is a chemical element that has the symbol Mn and the atomic number 25.
This element is not found as a free element in nature but is available in combination with iron and other minerals.
It is a metal that has important metal alloy uses and particularly in stainless steel.
Manganese is a grey-white, hard and very brittle metal. It tarnished on exposure to air and oxidised to manganese when heated. Manganese is more reactive when available in pure form, and as a powder, it will burn in oxygen reacts with water and dissolves in dilute acids.
Manganese is the 12th most abundant element and 3rd most abundant transition metal (cf. Fe, Ti). A number of forms of manganese occur in nature (~ 300 minerals) giving an overall abundance of 0.106%. 12 of these minerals are economically viable including: pyrolusite (MnO2), manganite (Mn2O3.H2O), hausmannite (Mn3O4) rhodochrosite (MnCO3) and Mn-nodules.
Manganese is used to produce a variety of important alloys and to deoxidize steel and desulfurize.
It is also used in dry cell batteries.
Manganese is used as a black-brown pigment in paint.
It is an essential trace element for living creatures.
It is mainly used to decolourize glass and to prepare violet-coloured glass.
Steel contains 1% manganese to increase strength and improve workability.
Manganese steel has 13% manganese which is very strong and used for railway tracks, rifle barrels, safes and prison bars.
Drink cans are made from an alloy of aluminium that contains 1.5% manganese, improving the resistance to corrosion.
Manganese is also used as a catalyst, to decolourize the glass that is coloured green by iron impurities.
Manganese sulphate is used to make a fungicide.