Cholera Outbreak Kills 10 Children in Somalia

More than ten children have died from a suspected Cholera breakout at an internally displaced persons (IDPs) camp in the outskirts of Marka district in the Lower Shabelle region of Somalia.
Fatuma Ismail who lives at the IDP camp told Dalsan TV they lack basic needs such as food, shelter and toilet.
“We are displaced from the villages near the Bufow Ba’ad. We need help,” Fatuma an IDP told Dalsan TV.
“We are displaced and requesting humanitarian agencies to help us with water, food and build us toilets,” Fatuma added.
The IDPs blame the deaths on poor sanitation in the camp.
They demanded the Southwest state to improve the condition of the camp which is home to hundreds displaced from over 40 villages.
They have also called upon the government, humanitarian agencies and the Somali people to take urgent measures in responding to the issue.