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Fact Check
Fact Check: Can soursop leaves and fruit cure cancer?
Rashidat Oladele
Claim: Soursop leaves and fruit can cure cancer as a better alternative to chemotherapy.
Fact check:Is soda the leading cause of diebetes in Mexico ?
By Pius Alabi
Claim:Largest consumers of soda drink in health dilemma
A post was made by…
Fact check: Are electric cars a myth ?
By Rashidat Oladele
Claim: There has been claims that electric cars are a myth as they don’t impact carbon…
Fact Check: Can fish skin heal wounds?
By Pius Alabi
Claim:Fish skin used in treating wounds,burns and surgery
Fact check: Can chicken waste produce biogas?
By Rashidat Oladele
Claim: Chicken waste can be used as Biogas to power Car,Cooker,Generator etc…
Fact check: Can egg yolk oil cure vitiligo ?
By Rashidat Oladele
Claim: Vitiligo can be treated with oil extracted from egg yolk.
Fact- check: Can old milk be used to extract gold?
Rashidat Oladele
Claim: Old milk is used to extract gold/metal from E-Waste.
Fact- check:Is natures warning signals fact or myth
Rashidat Oladele
Claim: Lightning and thunderstorms are signaled by nature. A video featuring…
Fact-check: Can fermented banana tree drink get rid of kidney stone…
By Rashidat Oladele
Claim: There is a trending social media content claiming that banana tree drink…
Fact-check: Is Aeroponic Farming the Future Of Agriculture?
By Rashidat Oladele
Claim:Tower farming saves more space and water usage
A recent…