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Betel leaf as cure for bad breath

By Obiabin Onukwugha

Bad breath is a common oral health problem that is often associated with the food we consume.

Having bad breath can be embarrassing. Have you ever imagined that you are taking and people are either shifting backward, taking flimsy excuses leave the gathering to go check out on something of closing their noses.

Bad breath, also known as halitosis, is characterised by an unpleasant odour that comes from the mouth. It is often caused by bacteria breaking down food particles in the mouth, leading to foul-smelling compounds being released.

According to a 2021 research published in the Medicina journal, about 50 to 65 percent of the world population suffer bad breath. It can be temporary or chronic and may indicate underlying dental or health issues.

Bad breath has been attributed to inadequate brushing, flossing, and tongue cleaning that can allow bacteria to accumulate in the mouth.

Certain foods like onions, garlic, and spicy foods contain volatile compounds that can linger in the mouth. Saliva helps cleanse the mouth by washing away food particles and bacteria.

However, decrease in saliva production, often caused by dehydration, can slso result in bad breath.

Other causes of bad breath include gum disease, cavities, and other dental problems which provide a breeding ground for bacteria. Tobacco products has also been revealed to leave a lingering odour in the mouth, thereby leading to gum disease and dry mouth that results in bad breath.

Conditions such as sinus infections, respiratory tract infections, acid reflux, diabetes, and liver or kidney disease have also been traced to bad breath.

There are several ways you can maintain fresh breath, which include; maintaining good oral hygiene, cleaning your tongue, chewing sugar-free gum or mints, eating crunchy fruits and vegetables, and avoiding strong-smelling foods.

While these methods are effective, some of them come with financial costs.

You can therefore turn to nature using herbs. One of such herb is the betel leaf.

Mostly called “utazi” in cities across Nigeria, betel, Piper betle, is a species of flowering plant in the pepper family. It is a creeping plant and can easily be found either on ground or on trees in forests.

Are you a city dweller? The good news is that betel leaf can actually be grown in your garden. So next time you buy betel leaf, do not throw the ropy aspect of it away, kindly bury it in your garden and watch it grow.

Betel leaf is used in cousins and soups for its spicy and flavour. It is also known to cure many diseases such as diabetes.

It has also been known as a quick way to solving your bad breath problems. By chewing a few leafs of betel after meals, especially before going to bed, will not only keep your mouth refreshed in the morning. It kills the bacteria that causes bad breath.


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