Banning fossil fuels in sub-Saharan Africa could slow the transition to renewable energy
Worldwide, the ugly consequences of a warming planet are rearing their heads. Many countries are increasing efforts to decarbonise their energy systems in a bid to limit global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. But the path to decarbonisation is complex, requiring a unique approach from each country.
Take sub-Saharan Africa’s energy systems, which are currently patchy and often unreliable. Many countries’ reliance on fossil fuels has led policymakers to suggest that fossil fuel systems should either be banned or indirectly discouraged through imposing a carbon tax. But, given that greener forms of energy exist in tandem with fossil fuel systems across the continent, this approach might harm rather than help efforts to fight climate change.
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If developing countries are to be successful in building more environmentally friendly energy systems, their approach cannot be directly modelled after the developed world. Technological innovation, behavioural change and an open-minded approach to combining energy systems must go hand in hand if the world is to make a successful transition from high- to low-carbon energy.
For developing countries to advance their citizens’ social and economic growth, one thing is essential: reliable electricity. These countries therefore face a dual challenge of driving the energy transition from high- to low-carbon energy and increasing electrification rates.
In particular, sub-Saharan Africa faces the uphill task of electrifying about half a billion of the world’s population before 2030. The availability of electricity has an enormous effect on a region’s economic growth, as well as the social welfare and wellbeing of its citizens.
At an individual level, the negative effects of lacking adequate electricity are evident across countries and cultures. Increased unemployment leads to economic insecurity, which in turn drives chronic stress and increased deaths. And when it comes to public health, entirely fossil-fuel-based energy solutions, such as petrol and diesel generators – used in place of unreliable national electricity systems – pose serious concerns.
At a population level, more and more people are leaving regions where patchy electricity means the quality of life is reduced. Without enough people to work, technological advancement – and thus development – is slowed down. Increasingly harsh climate conditions only perpetuate this vicious cycle.
Source: The Conversation