….By James Komolafe
Nature any day talks about order and sequence. An arrangement works by creation to function according to process and produces both for men and material existence.
Many people fail to realize the fact that nature always works for them and never against them.
Nature calls, nature responds, nature seeks cooperation and sue for collaboration at all times with her natives (human beings and the universal existence). While other creating in most cases aligns with nature, man has always being at the epicenter of issues affecting and impacting negatively on nature. Nature must be understood, observed and respected to get the best out of it. Under circumstances where nature is sidelined or not considered, many things go wrong way and are going off order and decency.
Can nature really be cheated?
What are the characteristic of nature?
What is nature at work?
Nature is the divine beauty of God handiwork, it happens to how God has purposed. You cannot cheat nature and get yourself off the hook. There are many lessons we can learn from our environment and how it affects us.
Have you realized that you cannot cheat nature in any means? Well, you may have heard of how the law of nature works, some believe in the law of karma and so would never hurt a fellow human being or destroy anything intentionally. You are responsible for whatever you do or say.
We are created in a beautiful environment and are placed in a perfectly harmonious relationship; any breach would have its own effect on the one who breaches. Just like a ball bounces back to you when you throw it against the wall. Those who tried to cheat nature have failed miserably, and anyone who is about to cheat nature will definitely fail.
Characteristics of nature
1. Nature has a well ordained system; nature self sustains itself and all life forms by its processes which are well ordered.
2. Nature is not man made; nature is not created by human beings, nature has its own universe and is governed by its own laws.
3. Nature is not dependent on human beings, nature can survive even without the existence of human beings.
4. Nature sustains human beings; nature provides fruits and other food grains. Nature provides raw materials for various commodities.
5. Nature has beauty; this beauty captivates the poetic tendency hidden within human beings, there is beauty in the flowers, clouds and in the rivers.
6. Nature has vastness; in the vastness, human soul often tends to loose itself. There is vastness in the horizon, the sky, in the ocean.
7. Nature has peace, the vastness of nature has to permeate the core of human beings with peace.
8. Nature has dynamism and diversity; the dynamism of nature presents itself in diverse forms, different colors and patterns appear in different seasons and add colors to our lives.
9. Nature operates for all; the sun shines for all, rain sheds for all. This unselfishness of nature makes us think that nature is close to divinity.
Check this out any day, nature parades abundance for everyone in equal proportion. Depending on what use you put to it. Everyone has the same air, water, humidity and weather. Finding your frequencies and harmonizing with nature yields its abundance to you.
Nature is older than her natives and always in support and always in support of her; when you align with nature, you align with order and peace. Nature releases her resources for your maximum enjoyment
No one can run away from the reality of nature and survives it. Ignoring nature in some cases is asking for disaster and serious consequences. Suspending nature except for the fact of the supernatural is asking for trouble.
Only organized system at another level can suspend nature for a while. E.gThe force of gravity can be suspended by the law of upthrust in aerodynamics.
Nature within us always harmonizes with nature outside us. Not doing the right thing at the right time as nature calls can lead to negative consequences. Many people truncate the promise of long-life by paying lip service to the most needed and complementary performance. Hearing and obeying the call of nature is the most colourful thing to do to stay healthy and vibrant.
Underneath are the 10 ways natives (men) attempt to cheat nature.
- DENIAL – Denying nature is a behavioral disease among many. They turn the other way when emmersed withgrievous consequences. You hear some say “I can still manage this”. A demerit to nature is to deepen the root cause while the effects continue to spread like a prairie fire. E.g. When you deny yourself of sleep at night, it may make you sleep in the public during vital meetings you cannot cheat nature.
- DELAY – Because of the creeping nature of behavioral health people take things for granted. Some ignore food as at when due only to end up sponsoring ulcer they did not budget for; delay is dangerous. Some refuses to ease themselves as at when due only to accommodate some unprofitable diseases.
- DECLINE – This is common among the active demography. They fail to listen to their body and emotional triggers. They wait until the chips are down. Bad stress, exhaustion and sudden collapsesis the end result. Many people today in unfortunate high blood pressure need not go there; but for their decline to humble red flags, stirs and triggers.
- DEFFER- “I will do it later” is the bane here. Postponing a vital protocol till when “convenient” is hurting many people silently. They soon realize a systemic breakdown lowering their immunity and before you say “Jack”, they are running around with supplements to boost an already lopsided energy. Stop postponing your personal hygiene protocols; seek SABA Supports for comprehensive hygiene.
- DISRUPT- Many adults suffer in silence until they go to their early graves. Out of their very busy schedules they disrupt their personal balance too often; some feed on craps and other sweeteners thinking they are living the rich man’s lifestyle. They eat irregularly and are low on water therapy (request for details on this) before too long they begin to encounter certain behavioral challenge on their bodies. Do you have an appropriate behavioral protocol that is aligning with your age now?
- DESPISE – This is common in western climes. People feedon sugar burgers, bakes and all manners of sandwich with chemicalized diets. You see a teenager looking like a Monster struggling to breath. No self-restraint, no knowledge application, no exercises as they continue to enlarge in shapes and sizes without the corresponding emotional balance. How organized in your behavioral protocol?
- DEVOID- Many of the folks out there are in the habits of robbing Peter to pay Paul. They thrive at certain exercises only to call it a bluff on other protocols. They are spiritually balanced but emotionally unsettled. Some have low metal regimen and are archaic in their thinking! You wonder how they connect to this level! Personal equilibrium is a holistIc balanced spirit , soul and body. Stop sabotaging your rounded efforts.
- DENOUCE- Many Christian folks and religious guys tell you “it is my spirit that matters”. Little do they realize that the spirit cannot operate in a vacuum.They stifled their minds and suppress their emotions; they sound spiritual but are never fresh! They look dry and bogus at the same time. They will say it but ever lacking the gut to do it. What an appalling lifestyle. They even look older beyond their normal calendar age.
- DEFLECT- Because of the widespread absence of behavioral retainer-ship programme, People shirk responsibilities without knowing the consequences. They tell you ‘when we get to the bridge we would cross it’. What a killer utterance in the behavioral revolution package! The wounds and circumstances of life soon blow on them and cannot differentiate between activities and their personalities. Have you enrolled in SABA Resources behavioral retainer ship monthly? Are you waiting for more palliatives and believing things through even when all evidence is defecting a nose-diving decline? Remember, long life is both a promise and performance; your lifespan is determined by your life lines and eventual lifestyle. Stop building castles in the air. Ignorance kills and ignore destroys. Are you ready for a balance score card ona behavioral sequence? Then download this assessment and fill immediately here.
Send this assessment copy to james1kom@gmail.com
- DISCOUNTENANCE- I see this among my educated elites as they castigate our works and describe it as unfounded. Little do they realize the many instances of the medical health when the record doesn’t show any anomaly, yet the patient riggle an emotional trauma and mental pains? That you cast an aspersion on behavioral details does not make it unauthentic. Some say “I only follow what my doctors says”; that is good but never great! We have rescued many lives of recent through SABA resources therapies and saved 3 from suicide. Behavioral modification model has helped the high and the mighty in various climes. I think a stich in time saves nine. You either respire through the opportunities of behavioral packages or respond well to critical details or stand the risk to expire very fast. You will either respire or expire given your beliefs.Where you are cheating nature? Link up via the assessment to boost wellness the viral life and productivity.
To be continued……………….
James Komolafe, Cognitive Behavioral Therapist/ Doctor of Behavioral Health/ CEO, SABA Resources