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Importance and health benefits of Irish potatoes

By Chisom Ibemere

Irish potato is a root vegetable and a tuber crop of the family Solanaceae. It is a perennial crop which originated from South America. Irish potato has varieties of colours and comes in different sizes. They are consumed in different ways which may include as chips, porridge, baked, roasted and mashed potatoes.

Irish potato was named after Ireland because of the popular Irish potato famine that resulted from a mold infested Irish potato crop. 

Irish potato is consumed in many parts of the world and is propagated by seed. Irish potato is beneficial to health and can reduce health problems. 

It is rich in Iron, Phosphorus, Calcium, Magnesium and Zinc which are essential nutrients for bone health. They are good source of dietary fiber which improves digestion and reduces constipation.

Irish has no cholesterol but contains fibre, potassium, Vitamin C and Vitamin B6 which improves the heart function. Choline is one of the essential nutrient found in Potatoes. They helps to improve cognitive ability and muscle movements.

Vitamin C and Quercetin are powerful anti-oxidants in Irish potato which helps to prevent cell damage by eliminating free radicals from the body. Consumption of Irish potatoes can help to prevent scurvy and other infections like cold, bleeding and weak gums and viral infections.

Vitamin B6 content helps in the production of non essential amino acids which synthesizes haemoglobin. It maintains red blood cells and prevents the occurrence of anaemia.

Irish potato can be beneficial for the aged because it helps to prevent rhematism and arthritis due to their strong anti-inflammatory properties. They help to maintain a healthy skin, prevent kidney stones and improve brain functions.

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