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The Mysteries of life (1)

By Babtunde Jose

“The state of man is exemplified in a flower: The flower falls and perishes, so shall man also become ashes. If thou couldst know who thou art, and whence thou comest, Thou wouldst never smile, but ever weep. There are three things which often make me lament : First, it is a hard thing to know that I must die ; Secondly, I fear because I do not know when I shall die ; Thirdly, I weep because I do not know what will become of me hereafter.” George Corfe – Man and His Many Changes

Death is the most profound and mysterious aspect of life for most of us because no matter what stories we have heard, we cannot figure out what it is. Neither science nor philosophy is able to figure out what death is. The spiritual process is not about death as you are seeking something which is deeper than death. There is however a contending mystery; that of life itself.

To approach life as a mystery invites us to adopt a mindset of curiosity and wonder. Instead of seeking rigid answers and conclusive explanations, we become open to the possibilities that unfold before us.

For many living beings on this planet, death is the greatest mystery of them all. Through artifacts, specimens, interactive and immersive media experiences, discover amazing animal adaptations for survival and learn how various cultures commemorate life.

Mysteries surround us all; they are there for the looking and the finding. It is crucial for us to accept that mystery exists in all our lives. This takes humility and a realization that we cannot, ever, know everything. Mystery even resides in the ordinary and the mundane.

The secret of life is to see everything with a non-serious eye, but to be absolutely involved. This approach to life is very important because your life has a beginning and an end. It is not an eternity.

Science tells us a lot about how things are, but does little if anything to tell us why things are. And the study of metaphysics, as interesting as it is, is peripheral to the art of living in the now and finding peace among the challenges of day-to-day life.

Life is full of tough questions. Some of which we can answer, others we can’t. We shouldn’t shrink from facing these questions, but after a while it’s okay to let them go — to make peace with them. At some point we have to get on with living the life that’s in front of us each day and let some of the mysteries remain mysteries.

The Quran says: Ask not about things which, if made plain to you, may cause you trouble. (Quran 5:101)

There is however, no doubt, the world is full of inexplicable happenings that boggle our mind and which science cannot explain especially as they relate to life.

The only rational explanation of the great mysteries of nature, is the one that has commended itself not only to theologians, but to many of the greatest scientific thinkers and philosophers, who have found themselves compelled to see, the more deeply they have studied the universe, that from beginning to end, from the primordial electrons of the Atom to the circling Planet, from the structureless Bioplast, to Man, through all, in all, there is, “A Manifestation of Creative Power, a Directive Mind, and an Ultimate Purpose.”

There are vast differences pointed out between Life and the physical forces which we can measure by their manifestations. We cannot measure Life; we can measure heat, electricity, magnetism, mechanical power but we cannot thus measure Life. We can convert the modes of energy into each other, as we do with our steam engines, our electric light and power stations, but who can transform any of those into Life? We can destroy Life, but we cannot convert it.

Lord Kelvin (1824-1907) says “Mathematics and Dynamics fail us when we contemplate the earth, fitted for life, but lifeless, and try to imagine the commencement of life upon it. This certainly did not take place by any action of chemistry, or electricity, or crystalline grouping of molecules under the influence of Force, or by any possible kind of fortuitous concourse of atoms. We must pause face to face with the mystery and miracles of the creation of living creatures.” Lord Kelvin, T.V.I., Vol. 31

There is no gradation from one condition to another. This wonderful Life-power cannot have spring up spontaneously on the earth; as Alfred Russel Wallace (1823-1913) says: “an honest and unswerving scrutiny of nature forces upon the mind this certain truth, that at some period of the earth’s history, there was an act of Creation, a giving to the earth of something which before it had not possessed, and from that gift, the gift of Life, has come the infinite and wonderful population of living forms.” Incidentally, Wallace was an evolutionist.

No rational explanation of the origin of primeval protoplasm has ever been given, except the creative action of an ‘Outside Power’. Still less is any rational explanation of the endowment of primeval protoplasm with evolutionary capacity conceivable, except by the action of an Outside Power.

Looking at Man himself: “the living matter of the embryo of Man and that of animals is we are told, undistinguishable the one from the other; and yet in each we see from the first development of the germ, that it must have been endowed with its own special properties, according to which it became Man, or brute-beast, or plant and how can we fail to see the unceasing operation of infinite power through the whole world of Life, enabling the living particles to grow and produce others; the Vital powers of each series being different from and more advanced than those of their predecessors.” Wallace

Again, look at the marvels wrapped up in each minute particle: Living Matter consists of innumerable minute structureless particles, called Bioplasts, which are to be seen in the tissues of living creatures, all varying in size, and proximity to one another in different species.

No one can tell from any given particle what will be the structure or properties of the tissues and substances to be formed by it. But how marvelous it is that these apparently homogeneous Bioplasts should be so constituted that each should do its own special work in building up the organism: Some build up muscle, others nerves, and brain, some are engaged in forming bone, others hair, feathers or nails; each has its own special work. Are all these mere chances, the fortuitous concourse of the Atoms?

Must there be Creating, Directing Force determining what shall be the different forms of bioplasmic life, and which has caused those myriads of cells to work harmoniously together, each doing its own particular work?

What Power gave the living Protoplasm Life? What Power determines the Cell-mass to this or other well-defined shapes? Who or What guides or determines the Atoms of the Protoplasmic molecules into new combinations chemically and new structures mechanically, which all the Chemists and Physicists of the World are powerless to produce, even when they have the ready-formed Protoplasm given them to start with? Yet all these marvelous processes take place in Nature, and do build up the living body of each organism.

This orderly process is quite unintelligible without some Directive Organizing Power constantly at work in, or upon every chemical atom, or physical molecule of the whole structure, as one after another they are brought to their places, and built in, as it were, to the structure of every tissue of every organ, as it takes form and substance in the fabric of the living, moving, and in the case of animals, sensitive creation.

What we must assume is, not merely a force, but some agency which can and does so apply and guide, direct and coordinate a great variety of forces, mechanical, chemical, and vital, so as to build up that infinitely complex machine, the Living Organism.

What we absolutely require, and must postulate is a mind far higher, greater, more powerful than any of the fragmentary minds we see around us, a mind not only adequate to direct and regulate all the forces at work in living organism, but, which is itself the source of all those forces and energies, as well as of the more fundamental forces of the whole material Universe. Without this, Life, as we know it is altogether unthinkable; an eternal material Universe under blind laws is an impossibility.

Everything but the absolute and unconditioned must have had a beginning. A beginning for all finite things in time is demonstrable, and this beginning implies an antecedent cause and it is impossible to conceive of that cause as other than an all-pervading mind, which both dominates and transcends Matter.

Life, says Thomas Beale (c. 1775–1841), “depends not upon any forces of non-living Nature, but upon the Almighty; and there is not a particle of living matter of any kind which can be explained except on the view that it depends upon God.”

Professor Huxley, Biologist and Anthropologist, with all his agnosticism felt compelled to acknowledge that “Life is the cause of Organization, so it must be antecedent to it, and can only be conceived as connected with Spirit, and Thought, with the cause of the directive energy everywhere seen in the growth of living things.”

If Life is the cause and not the consequence of Organization, we may believe that Mind is the cause and not the consequence of brain-development. We cannot then reasonably explain the phenomena and development of Life, without postulating some Guiding Power over the forces which have brought about the result.

We might want to consider the wonderful adaptation to the environment, the fitness of special organs for special purposes, which are seen everywhere, and which, by whatever means or process of change they may have brought into existence, are clear evidence of Thought” and therefore of Design.

There are some who may sneer at what they term the “Carpenter Theory” of the Universe but is that which it implies less true? If we could see the adaptation of means to an end in Man’s work, we do not say “0, that is a mere matter of chance,” but we at once recognize underlying the complicated machine, or the simple tool, the previously existing plan, the evidence in them of a set purpose, and from this we rightly assume that not Thinking Mind, not Personal Thought, not blind unreasoning forces, must have been the ultimate cause of what we see. Does it not stand to reason that you cannot bring out of a thing that has not been first placed in it? In other words “you cannot evolve that which was not first involved.” Period!!!

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