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Privatisation of water will spell doom for Nigeria – AUPTRE

The Amalgamated Union of Public Corporation Civil Service Technical and Recreational Service Employees (AUPTRE) has re-echoed her rejection for the privatisation of water in Nigeria, saying that doing so will spell doom for the country.

Speaking with journalists in Abuja, the AUPCTRE National President, Comrade Benjamin Anthony, also described the government’s move to privatise water when the same government is against the digging of boreholes as double standards.

Considering the high poverty level in the country, Comrade Anthony urged the government to think outside the box while embarking on revenue generation rather than adding a burden to the citizenry who are wallowing in abject poverty.

“For us in AUPCTRE, we also have our minimal challenges, especially the water bill and water privatisation issues. The National Water Bill as you know was smuggled back to the National Assembly and it has passed the second reading until we got to know and spoke against the entire bill together with our partners, Corporate Accountability Africa and the support of some regional group representatives.

“We believe that the bill is an anti-people bill. Nigeria is a developing nation and you can’t introduce this kind of draconian law while people are already in bondage in the country and at a time people hardly get a square meal a day.

“This bill is a plan to also move us to total privatisation of water and looking at this privatisation as a whole and if you put all the water boards in the country together, it is not up to four states that you can get up to 20 per cent water supply to the people.

“You’ll hear the government saying that digging of boreholes is hazardous, but if you’re saying you want to discourage the sinking of boreholes and you’re talking of privatising water, then we are not doing ourselves any good in this nation,” he asserted.

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