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Plastic deposit kills aquatic life – Lagos agency

Dumping of plastic in the marine environment has a dreadful effect on aquatics and on the operations of boats, says Lagos State Waterways Authority (LASWA).

LASWA, in collaboration with a non- governmental organization, Green Janitors Sustainability Initiative (GJSI), sensitized boat operators and residents of Badagry on the menace of plastic pollution in the marine environment, on Saturday in Lagos.

The Head, Vessel Inspection Unit of LASWA, Mr Sunday Ukeme, said he took it upon himself to sensitize the residents, boat operators and passengers on the effects of dumping plastic in the marine environment.

“If a boat is moving and it has direct contact with the pollutants, it will disturb the operations of the boat.

“In line with the International Convention for Marine which prohibits the discharge of pollutants into the waterways and marine environment, we have come to sensitize on the menace of plastic pollution.

“The Authority has collaborated with GJSI and other agencies to educate people of Badagry and made them understand that cleaner and safer waterways start with us.

“We should also ensure that waterways are cleaned and free from debris,” he said.

He said LASWA had engaged in different sensitisation and awareness programmes to reduce dumping of plastic in marine environments.

Also, Mr Abdulsalam Ashade, the Executive Director, GJSI, said that though the World Environment Day is celebrated every June 5, the initiative picked June 10 to show more on how they can protect the environment.

According to him, the initiative has coined its own theme, “Pollution to Solution.”

“The theme is to encourage the youths on how they can turn what we call pollution to a solution in a way, and how we can look for the best way to prevent pollution.

“We are all aware that it takes over 1,000 years for plastic to decompose in the water, so the best way to prevent dumping of plastic in the ocean is by reducing the use of plastic and through recycling.

“Green Janitors Sustainability Initiative has engaged many youths in different university campuses in a cleaner and safer environment.

“We have a large turnout of youths here today because we have spread our tentacles to University campuses.

“The aim is to catch the students and teach them on how to sustain and protect their environment,” he said.

Ashade said that GJSI had engaged in consistent advocacy, different seminars and training to educate residents of Lagos on the menace of dumping plastic in the ocean.

Mrs Bisi Onala, a resident of Badagry, urged the boat operators and Badagry residents to have a change of attitude towards dumping of plastic and waste into the water.

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