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NGO Establishes Eco Heroes Club, Launches Zero Litter Campaign

By Ojugbele Omotunde

In commemoration of World Environment Day, the Ecolife Conservation Initiative, an NGO dedicated to environmental sustainability, has launched the Eco Heroes Club at VineCare Schools in Abuja.

This initiative aims to combat climate change and foster a culture of environmental stewardship among young students.

Mr. Chibuzor Akubuike, the Executive Director of the Ecolife Conservation Initiative, emphasised the necessity of the club’s establishment.

“The Eco Heroes Club is designed to teach children the importance of preserving and caring for their environment,” he stated. “By instilling these values early, we hope to create a generation of environmentally conscious individuals.”

A key component of the club’s activities is the Zero Litter Campaign, which aims to spread awareness and promote action against littering across various schools.

“Our goal is to build an army of students who are not only aware of climate and environmental issues but are also proactive in addressing them,” Mr. Akubuike added.

Mr. Taiwo Odanaogun, the head of VineCare Schools, expressed his support for the campaign. “The Zero Litter Campaign is a testament to our commitment to a greener future. It empowers students to take tangible actions such as reducing litter, recycling, and planting trees,” he said.

He also stressed the importance of collective effort, noting that, “While students play a crucial role in environmental preservation, it is imperative that all of us work together to instill the values of environmental stewardship and sustainable living.”

Guest speaker Mr. Absalom Jimba highlighted the significance of World Environment Day, reminding attendees of their critical role in conserving the environment. “Littering not only mars the beauty of our surroundings but also endangers wildlife and pollutes our water and soil,” he explained.

“Young heroes must unite to create a sustainable environment, understanding that each piece of litter represents our impact on the world.”

Mr. Jimba concluded with a call to action, urging young people to lead the charge in environmental conservation.

“The future of our planet lies in the hands of our youth. By coming together and making small, consistent efforts, we can create a lasting positive impact on our environment.”

The Eco Heroes Club and the Zero Litter Campaign are poised to make significant strides in promoting environmental consciousness and sustainability among the younger generation, laying the groundwork for a cleaner, greener future.




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