Horsetail Plant: The Wonder Healing Herb
By Chisom Ibemere
Horsetail is a unique plant of the family Equisetaceae. It is a herbal plant and has been used in traditional medicine for its health promoting properties.
Horsetail is a natural source of silica, a mineral known for its importance in strengthening bone, maintaining healthy skin, hair, and nails. It promotes the production of collagen, helping to support and strengthen the condition of these structures.
It has a high silica content which contributes to bone health and facilitates the absorption of calcium thereby reducing the risk of osteoporosis.
Horsetail contains antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects and helps to hasten wound healing and as well as prevents infections. It is beneficial for kidney health due to its diuretic properties.
It assist in the removal of waste from the body and increase urine output and potentially reducing the risk of kidney stones.
Horsetail contains compounds such as flavonoids which possess anti-inflammatory properties thereby alleviating symptoms associated with inflammatory conditions like arthritis.
It is a natural detoxifying agent due to its diuretic properties, aiding in the elimination of toxins from the body by increasing the production of urine. It may alleviate digestive issues including constipation, bloating, and water retention.
Consumption of Horsetail helps to strengthen brittle nails, promoting healthier and stronger growth.
It is rich in natural antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds that may be beneficial for respiratory health, reducing symptoms of conditions such as asthma and bronchitis.