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Firm recycles waste into chemical fertilizer to improve sustainability in Morocco

By Bisola Adeyemo

A Swiss firm, is recycling waste products in Morocco to chemical fertilizers to improve sustainability.

The Swiss firm is a specialist in the processing of organic waste since its establishment, the factory has had an annual turnover of 40,000 tonnes of compost and organic fertilizer and it specialized in the processing of organic waste.

In Morocco, nearly 80% of household waste is organic compared to less than 30% in Europe, Africanews reports.

“Our sector of activity is the recovery of agricultural by-products through an industrial process called composting. There are different raw materials of vegetable and animal origin that are mixed together, with well-defined ratios”, says Mohamed El Kabous, EV production manager.

“Nothing’s thrown away here, said, El Kabous, everything is transformed.”

According to El Kabous, organic waste is processed and replaced with chemical fertilizers to improve sustainability.

Almost every household in Morocco deals with waste issues, official data stated that about 66 illegal dumps have been so far in the country.

“All our products are organic and can be used in organic farming to replace some of the chemical fertilisers that kill the soil, and also to participate and offer customers a healthy and sustainable agriculture” promises EV’s production manager.

According to the Ministry of Energy Transition and Sustainable Development, in 2015 only 6% of household waste was recycled.

A national waste programme whose objective was to reach a recycling rate of 20% by 2022 was pushed back to 2030.

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