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FAO Launches Large-Scale Support for Farmers in Adamawa, Borno, and Yobe States

By Grace Samuel

In order to enhance food sufficiency and transform agriculture in northeastern Nigeria, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has launched a comprehensive support program for farmers in Adamawa, Borno, and Yobe states.

This initiative aims to provide critical assistance to 189,250 farmers, enabling them to resume and expand their farming activities.

The program’s launch coincides with a crucial milestone in the region’s security landscape, as Governor Ahmadu Fintiri of Adamawa State has declared that all territories previously occupied by Boko Haram terrorists are now under government control.

This development has allowed farmers to return to their homes and restart farming activities that were previously disrupted by the conflict.

The FAO’s support program involves distributing essential farm inputs, including seedlings, fertilizers, and pesticides, to farmers in the three states.

Dominique Kouacou, FAO’s Nigeria/ECOWAS representative, emphasized the significance of this intervention, stating that it is a crucial step towards transforming agriculture in the region and addressing the escalating food insecurity in the country.

The distribution exercise was flagged off in Girei Local Government, Adamawa State, and was attended by state officials, farmers, and representatives of the FAO and its partner organizations.

Governor Fintiri, represented by the State Commissioner for Agriculture, David Jatau, commended the FAO for its support, acknowledging the critical role that agriculture plays in the state’s economy and the livelihoods of its people.

Beneficiary Hallilu Bello expressed his appreciation for the support, noting that the inputs will enable him to expand his farm and improve his yields.

The FAO’s support is expected to positively impact farmers’ livelihoods in the region, enabling them to improve their food production and income.

The intervention is supported by the European Union Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operation, USAID, the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation.

These partners have provided critical funding and technical support to the FAO, enabling the organization to implement this large-scale support program for farmers in northeastern Nigeria.


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