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Dry season farming: FG, Jigawa to boost wheat production

The Federal Government and Jigawa Government have expressed determination to boost wheat production to ensure food security in the country.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security, Sen. Abubakar Kyari and Gov.  Umar Namadi of Jigawa stated this during a courtesy visit by Namadi on Friday in Abuja.

Kyari commended Namadi for his commitment and enthusiasm as a farmers’ governor and promoter of food security.

Kyari expressed the ministry’s dedication to implementing stringent measures during the upcoming Dry/Wet Season Rice, Maize, and Cassava farming, to ensure transparent distribution and target genuine farmers.

“The Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security is fully committed to addressing the issues of round-tripping and poor validation of farmers’ data.

“Collaboration with states, local governments, traditional rulers, NGOs, and relevant MDAs will be crucial in achieving the desired objectives.

” We seek the support of all stakeholders in the agricultural sector to overcome the challenges,and ensure a successful intervention in spite  of the time constraints.

” The second phase of the Dry/Wet Season Farming intervention is expected to commence this month, and we are determined to make it a success,” he said.

He said that the Ministry is focused on ramping up massive production of staple crops using technology and mechanization to achieve this goal.

“We are determined to drive agricultural transformation, enhancing productivity and ensuring that our farmers have the necessary support to thrive,“he said.

Earlier, Namadi said the state had cultivated over 36,000 hectares of wheat farming.

He said that on the aggregate the state has almost 50,000 hectares of wheat farms.

The governor assured the minister that Jigawa would continue to key into the ongoing wheat Dry Season farming under the NAGS-AP programme.

” We have the land and resources to promote wheat farming. We have put in place robust programmes that will assist us in dry season farming in the State.

“As of today we are updating our farmers register, so that by the time we start our rice season farming that will properly guide us.

“We are going to cooperate with you to ensure that we achieve success in this dry season farming,” he said.

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