Business is booming.

Dealing with spectacle of unverified therapies in social media

By Ben Atonko

Every day, health messages are shared in the social media. These messages are very common at times of epidemic.
At the resurgence of ebola fever in West Africa in 2014 an unknown social media user posted a message advising the general public to bathe with salt solution and drink same midnight to avoid being killed by the disease.
Amazingly, even medics participated in the bathe-with-salt-water therapy. Some ended up in hospital after ingesting more salt than their bodies could accommodate.
Similarly, the coming of the coronavirus has led to broadcast of numerous health and safety messages in the social media. Daily, recipes on how to avoid or treat coronavirus are shared.

Though some people might not take in these messages, some do.
Nigerians who spoke on this had diverse views. Mr John Ike said, “Most of these are things we have been hearing since we were kids. I don’t give consideration to them.”
JulianaTarfa said, “I don’t give attention to them. But it’s a cause for concern.”
Ade Abraham said it depends on the ailment mentioned in the message. “If what is presented touches on a condition that troubles me, I try it,” he concluded.

COVID19 Survival Guide


Three stages:

  1. Covid only in nose – recovery time is half a day. (Steam inhaling), vitamin C. Usually no fever. Asymptomatic.
  2. Covid in throat – sore throat, recovery time 1 day (hot water gargle, warm water to drink, if temp then paracetamol. Vitamin C, Bcomplex. If severe than antibiotic.
  3. Covid in lungs- coughing and breathlessness 4 to 5 days. (Vitamin C, B complex, hot water gargle, oximeter, paracetamol, cylinder if severe, lot of liquid required, deep breathing exercise.

Stage when to approach hospital:
Monitor the oxygen level. If it goes below 92 (normal 98-100) then you need oxygen cylinder. If available at home, then no hospital else admit.

Stay healthy, Stay Safe!

Please forward to all on your contact list. You never know who it may help.

Advice from inside isolation hospitals, we can do at home

Medicines that are taken in isolation hospitals

  1. Vitamin C-1000
  2. Vitamin E (E)
  3. From (10 to 11) hours, sitting in the sunshine for 15-20 minutes.
  4. Egg meal once ..
  5. We take a rest / sleep a minimum of 7-8 hours
  6. We drink 1.5 liters of water daily
  7. All meals should be warm (not cold). And that’s all we do in the hospital to strengthen the immune system Note that the pH of coronavirus varies from 5.5 to 8.5 Therefore, all we have to do to eliminate the virus is to consume more alkaline foods above the acidity level of the virus. Such as :
    Green lemon – 9.9 pH
    Yellow Lemon – 8.2 pH
    Avocado – 15.6 pH
  • Garlic – 13.2 pH
  • Mango – 8.7 pH
  • Tangerine – 8.5 pH
  • Pineapple – 12.7 pH
  • Watercress – 22.7 pH
  • Oranges – 9.2 pH How to know that you are infected with corona virus?
  1. Itchy throat
  2. Dry throat
  3. Dry cough
  4. High temperature
  5. Shortness of breath
  6. Loss of smell …. And lemon with warm water eliminates the virus at the beginning before reaching the lungs … Do not keep this information to yourself. Provide it to all your family and friends.

It has become a common thing to see postings on the social media directing the attention of the public to remedies to different health conditions. The messages also give directions on how to live healthy.
The broadcast which are done on twitter, instagram, facebook, whatsapp mostly dwell on the use of non-orthodox medicine in improving health or curing a medical condition.
Cosmetics and weight losing remedies are very popular.

The social media has indeed become the easiest platform for promoters of herbal medicine both in Nigeria and elsewhere. These promotions are without information or warnings on the adverse effects of the mixtures.
The Director Public Affairs, Raw Materials Research and Development Council (RMRDC), Mr Chukwuma Nghaha said many of the products put out in the social media are no products of scientific work.
“Herbal combinations are not submitted to bio-chemical processes or study. Websites, social media are open market.
“These people are seeking audience and people are in need of help so they quickly buy into these,” Ngaha explained.
In his words, “The body is made up of different cells. When these things are introduced into the body, they cause toxicological effect.”
The Public Affairs Officer however agreed that some herbal products could be efficacious.
“Although some plants like Moringa have been found to be good, there’re things people are posting in the social media that people must seek opinion of experts before using them.”
The social media has helped many to promote therapies which efficacy and producers are unknown.
Even as many have suffered grave consequences patronizing them, promoters are continually at work.

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