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Critical errors people make about behavioral health, wholeness

By Dr James Komolafe, Consultant Behaviorist at SABA Resources


Many a time people worry about the behavioral or mental health. A general apathy due to ignorance of the components and concept of the multipleimplications on the general health and wholeness

The behavioral health is your total health package beginning from your mental person in coordination of your intuitive and physical being. It is the capacity to manage one’s personal articulation in order and decency for float and fruitfulness without frustration. Remember behavior does not begin from the outside; it is a complicated mold yet organized flow of inner works powering and prospecting your energy for manifest works in definite vibration. In short, what is woven in every man provides the template as a matter of priority for the rule of behavior outside of him.

A behavioral analogy!

The behavioral health could be likened to the operations of an automobile- can we say…. it is the engine that powers the automobile for motion while in turn …. The automobile engages and utilizes the energy generated by the engine.  On many occasions, there is a thin margin between the behavioral and the medical health as they both cooperate to make the holistic man go places. A major underlining cause of medical illness is due to  behavioral violation that is not properly diagnosed or handled over time.

There are critical errors people and organizations make about the behavioural health…..Let’s look at 21 of them.

  1. Because they don’t know they don’t flow. It is difficult to use what you don’t know about. It is self-mastery for real life expression. Where you know-grow in order to show forth in relevant manifesting is the behavioral health
  2. Incentive for personal resource awareness and development is also lacking. So, yielding to internal workings becomes pretty difficult
  3. The gate way to wholeness and healthy living is abused. Many wallow in the squalor of behavioral sickness. We experience rejection in the face of opportunity
  4. Many confuse in most cases, the behavioural health with the medical health; both are complements that produce the robust life and productivity
  5. 4 Basic outcomes of the behavioural health are also muddled.The capacity for sound decision making, rise in the level of influence, stability of emotion and attitude and the ability to create and maintain certain protocols and standards around one are lost in many.
  6. The behavioral health—that flow content within you birthing the floor construct through creative concepts is both a procedure and crisis-many are in the errors of muddling inherent properties which are:consignment(realities), equipment(abilities) and the assignment(activities). Know that the behavioural health is the orderly workings of the functions of your mental and manifest articulation. Who you are as a person- is the sum total of your intuitive, intelligent and the interactive prowess.
  7. Organizations and individuals fail to recognize the place of the perfect fit. The behavioural health is the active and inactive capacity for deliberate processing stimulating personal and organizational protocols for strides and the perfect fit…The Behavioral health isoften not seen as the regulator and transmitter.This underscores your utility function and usefulness.
  8. Many fail to know that man is by no means arobotWe are controlled by the pressing of buttons as in the case of automation. He only responds and reacts to inducement by the reason of  comportment and inner composition
  9. Great individuals and institutions don’t know that “One can be medically sound and be behaviorally sick….Behavioral ill-health and sickness is either pollution to one’s personality or a deviation from personal values and brand.
  10. People violate process because they don’t know the similarity between a medical diagnosis of the physical ailment and the behavioral ailment. Medical therapies on many occasion adduces to the physical while the behavioral health engages the processes of the mind as it affects other realms of human existence.
  11. Many people and organization frown at the word- Therapy!!!. They misconstrue the whole idea of engaging a therapist due wrong conception and that of a negative label. The need for a periodic behavioral check- up is important to keep one in shape and on point.The behavioural health is the outworking of your inner motion creating a  perspective  in response to any giving phenomenon….So you need a Behavioral Therapist to help create the balance from time to time
  12. Many don’t know when they overstretch  vital statistics of their behavioral variables—neither are they conversant with their daily health equilibrium
  13. Frontline organizations and individuals fail to realize that the Behavioral health could be vulnerable by certain triggers; ignorance of such triggers is never an excuse. (Triggers are  conditions or situations fueling  an abnormal cause)  Handle any noticeable symptoms when they appear on your emotional dash board and avoid the triggers on time.
  14. Organizations and individuals fail to invest in training on the behavioral health. They fail to realize that the social interaction engage in on a daily basis is the product of your behavioral health. Whether a misdemeanor results or not is a function of behavioral skills
  15. Behavioral health challenges mostly manifest in emotional symptoms and signsThose symptoms make for an attraction or withdrawal, apathy or synergy. The earlier organization and people realizes this, the better
  16. Many don’t know that the processes have a ripple effect. It has an overbearing effect on the physical health which increases the tendency for weight loss or otherwise….sleeplessness and some others symptoms.
  17. When behavioral health is out of order, organizations and individuals don’t age gracefully; Little does the dos and don’ts achieve in keeping healthy and strong over a long period time.
  18. People fail to realize the resources for behavioural checks. Many natives go for medical check-up not necessarily when they are in poor state of health. In like manner many fail to realize and release resources for periodic behavioral check up from the neck up….The need for behavioral fitness must never be compromised. Personal equilibrium is important in behavioral health and wholeness
  19. People confuse the mental state with madness or partial insanity. People tend to shy away from anything mental due to wrong beliefs and poor behavioral information. The word “Clinic” is also a negative consequence to many. Wellness test on a periodic note is good for individuals and organization as it is obtained from the SABA Resources.
  20. Certain irregularities on a sudden note are sometimes despised… in the behavior game; A shift or tilt from the normal usual behavior should call for immediate attention. Organizations should call in a Behavioral Therapist to identify warning signals or common ailment such as personal or organizational depression.
  21. Organizations lose focus due to pressing environmental demands. Individuals bow in to pressure and stress. Intention is critical but focus is fundamental. Staying on point is staying on course no matter the tide.

The last line-

The behavioral health is both a loaded and coded content. It is an unforgiving terrain you must never take for granted. Entertain behavioral talks and presentation in your families, organizations and outfit. Sign up for our monthly behaviouralretainership services in homes, diffuse the ignorance and come to terms with behavioral excellence. For your comments, inputs, questions, issues  & SABA Resources procedures, feel free to share this piece and to email us

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The behavioral health…your ultimate gate way to full expression is our most valuable passion.See you next time and bye… To be continued.

Dr. James Komolafe, PhD in Behavioral Health is Consultant Behaviorist /CEO, SABA Resources Psychosocial Intervention Hub… A multipurpose Centre for personal and organization wellness handling the GOOD(cases of definition)BAD( cases of violation) and the UGLY ( cases of deviation). Telephone 08035999220 YouTube Channel: James Komolafe Twitter@coachkomolafe

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