By Daniel Itai
A third of Zimbabweans cannot afford a nutritious diet, according to the World Food Program (WFP) in Zimbabwe.
The cost of firewood, gas, electricity, school fees and food make day-to-day living next to impossible.
“The war in Ukraine in 2022 triggered a global surge in food, fuel and fertilizer prices, hampering the recovery from the pandemic’s effects. Many families struggle to make ends meet and ensure enough food for everyone,” said Caroline Van Nespen, convenor of the WFP in Zimbabwe.
To address this situation, WFP Zimbabwe is providing cash assistance to some of the people in dire need of a nutritious diet. Food is usually available but not affordable.
“With the support of donors like the European Union (EU), we are reaching more urban populations with mobile money transfers every month. A major EU donation in 2022 helped us respond to the worst
impacts of the global food crisis. By putting more money into people’s hands, we enable them to buy food during the economic instability and support local markets,” said Van Nespen.