Zimbabwe: Residents cry out over illegal dumpsites

Zimbabwe: Residents cry out over illegal dumpsites

By Bisola Adeyemo

Residents in Harare, Zimbabwe have cried out to the national government over illegal dump sites in business areas including the local authority’s Remembrance Drive offices.

News crew on Tuesday visited the Remembrance Drive offices where they were welcomed by a heap of uncollected garbage.

In Warren Park several illegal dumpsites are now a common feature among them near 27th Crescent where illegal drug dealers are dumping containers of broncleer. This was almost a similar situation across the city where rubbish was being dumped on street corners, open spaces and in graveyards.

Combined Harare Residents Association programmes manager Mr Reuben Akili said service delivery in general has been lagging behind.

“Over the past month there has been a serious decline in terms of service delivery. As residents we need to pay for services rendered not being coerced to paying for services which we are not receiving,” he said.

Harare Residents Trust director Mr Precious Shumba said residents were disgruntled by the poor service being offered by the council. “Corruption by officials and councilors is affecting service delivery more than anything else,” he said.

Speaking with Harare City Council spokesperson Mr. Michael Chideme, yesterday said they were collecting garbage across the city.

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