When Natives becomes fatal against nature;

21 behavioural competencies for the hypertensive.

By Dr. James Komolafe   Part 2


Being hypertensive is never a death sentence. It is a welcome notice to a new emotional ecosystem that calls for a new level of understanding, consciousness, and awareness. This is for the purpose of self-regulation and excellent life management in the status.

Whether by frivolity (carelessness) or heredity (spanning a family history and lineage), hypertension as a monster can be prevented, tamed, and turned around for wholesome living.

Herewith, I present these hints on self-regulation in hypertension.


1. Understand that being hypertensive is never a death sentence. It is only a position and not a definition. You have a life and a pursuit. While walking in the consciousness of your status, never trade off your purpose because of a challenge. Esteem your reason for living and strive to make a difference.

2. Shift your whole focus away from hypertension even while being mindful of the requirements. Know that you have a reality on ground that can be attended to- given your personal ability as you consciously create certain activities to capture your reality.

3. Wherever your attention goes, there your energy flows. Devolve your lanes of energy (spiritual, mental, emotional & physical) towards appreciable tasks that strengthen your goals in life, instead of concentrating your energy on perceived weakness for an all-time limitation.

4. Always oscillate within your behavioural stretches per time; this will keep you within your energy bracket; a stretch within the behaviour is the patterned gap between your lower limit of vibration to the highest limit; a place or situation where you burn and build energy that does not over stretch you. Never overstretch yourself. Simply put, avoid the bad stress.

5. Never live by assumption or presumption. Get on the Behavioral Health Assessment Test and Policy. Check your monthly energy performance and ascertain the rate of improvement. Cross your ‘T’s and dot your ‘I’s within the test period of every 30 days (Download and attempt the SABA Resources Behavioural Health Assessment Policy as you test for fit, balance of protocols and personal deviation over time given your trend, point blank and root cause analysis  See….https://docs.google.com/file/d/19Xc7Aure7hMzTeDnh_5TCV8_oUHTa2to/edit?usp=docslist_api&filetype=msword.

Be fully aware of your energy management and competence.

6. Get rid of every behavioural  poison and habits e.g. sudden outburst of anger, rage, bitterness and strife. Rid yourself of anything that can throw you off balance. Behavioural toxins such as above are energy master zappers. They weaken your mental, emotional, spiritual and physical content.

7. As one with hypertension, never downplay your triggers and symptoms. Learn to listen to your body language and watch your emotional dashboards for the red lights. (Obtain 32 personal languages of every man from the SABA Resources).

8. Be very confident as you keep your vibration high. Enjoy everything that raises your mood and keep it steady. Everything that disturbs and distort your mood could trigger the condition; avoid it.

9. Stay away from very noisy and rowdy environments; unpredictable places of combat, contest,  violence and unrest are non-safe modes or haven for the hypertensive. You are not that fragile – but maintain your personal equilibrium status.

10. Keep your personal hygiene and appropriate checks in place. Never sabotage your daily protocols and habits that improve your health including your drug prescriptions among others.

11. Irregular or inadequate sleep pattern is not the ideal for the hypertensive. As an adult, keep your 7-8 hours bedtime daily and rest well; a rest devoid of intrusion in the mind such as worries and incursion through frequent disturbances.

12. Stay hydrated. Drink a lot of water as you keep to water therapy rules on a daily basis. This habit of taking water first thing in the early hours of the day has a way of lubricating your system and regulating your blood pressure. Don’t wait until you are thirsty before drinking water.

13. Never suppress ailments and signs. Always obey them and do the needful. Suppressing ailment could lead to deliberate self-sabotage that limits your energetic lifestyle that could spark off a critical energy blockade.

14. Know your limits but never limit your knowledge. Know where to apply the brakes. ‘Workaholics’ or work addicts are liable to downplay triggers and flout the rule of behavioural hygiene.

15. Avoid energy overdraft. Burning more energy than you build depletes your personal energy reserves. Conserve your energy deliberately. In the event of overdraft, make conscious effort to build more than you draw or overdraw.

16. Frankness and objectivity – Being very frank with oneself. Never over-amplify or underrate your reality. Faith is great- but within acceptable bounds. Never leave your life at the mercy of others. You understand how you feel and thus; be yourself and not a copy of another.

17. Deal with fear – the “False Evidence Appearing Real”. Turn your fear to confidence and know that things are getting better with you. Fear opens the door to adversity and creates loopholes in your energy bank. Keep hope alive.

18. Avoid ‘tensive’ moods and mental overcrowding. Don’t keep unnecessary pieces of detail in your mind. Keep a daily to-do-list by consciously writing down and ticking them off as you perform them. Do not ‘carry’ the daily schedules your brain. They would add to your stress and strain your balance.

19. Always engage your personal ability to confront every reality on ground as you create the right activity. Never run contrary to your personal abilities and competencies.

20. Create your abundance by speaking it to the universe. Never stop vibrating as you create your realities through deliberate manifesting. The universe will hear you and support your effort with its abundance. As you see it from within; seize it without. Every creature has an ear. Your condition can hear your new definition and take orders from both your conscious and sub-conscious mind.

21. Always be happy. Create your own happiness every time and all the time. Never allow your situations keep your morale low. View hhappiness as a state you create and not a product of your circumstances.

Last line

With the aforementioned, you can bounce back to full vibration and enjoy optimal expression. Never ignore your prescription without professional advice. More importantly, never shelve aside the behavioural protocols under the guise of keeping only the drugs. This is large scale self-sabotage. Seek SABA Resources behavioural support for personal procedures and non-drug treatment to complement your specific recovery

 Enquiries ;0803-5999-220


The journey to intentional lifestyle begins from you as a person. Know yourself, grow yourself and show yourself to the waiting world. You have what it takes to conquer in your own space. Don’t just exist; live. Don’t bleed; bless. Never say No!; look for the YES and multiply value. I have a personal philosophy “Anyone who meets me this year gets value!

How to exude energy for massive outcomes in 2022 deliberately

Run the reality checks for intentional lifestyle as you download the form below and fill it accordingly.….                                                                                                                                                          https://docs.google.com/document/d/1TPkNm1h5ofB51G-pbdhI8c54Tk_xWHNd/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=112669447972139020545&rtpof=true&sd=true

 For further enquiries as to marshal and manifest your own personal, family and organizational framework 2022 and forward, please contact me via +2348035999220; Attention: Dr James Komolafe.

 Join in our bid to raising an advocacy against sudden collapses in 7 critical thematic areas-  i. Lifestyle collapse, ii. Lifespan collapse iii. Process collapse, iv. Relationship collapse, v. Responsibility collapse, vi. Collapses into ‘High Blood Pressure’  vii. Kidney collapse.  We can save Africa as we together flaunt this as an initiative…Africa shall be saved and Nigeria has a greater future: It is time to “Save Africans From The Sudden Collapses!!!!!! To be continued….

James Komolafe, PhD in Behavioral Health is Consultant Behaviorist /CEO, SABA Resources Psychosocial Intervention Hub, Suite 8-9, Fatima Plaza, Beside First Bank Plc … A multipurpose Centre for personal and organization wellness handling the GOOD (cases of definition)BAD( cases of violation) and the UGLY ( cases of deviation). Telephone 08035999220 email:james1kom@gmail.com YouTube Channel: James Komolafe Twitter@coachkomolafe

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