A Clarion Call to Natives in The Wake of New Year. By Dr James Komolafe
Beyond the euphoria of new year resolution is the call to intentional lifestyle by all natives. Many natives are somewhat around are not really exuding the lifestyle that reinforces their persona; they barely exist without contribution from their deposits not reflecting their pivotal values. Personal construct; according to many natives are becoming short-lived under the alibi of “one day at a time”. They function from the place of emptiness that yields fake expectation.
A call to intentional lifestyle;
Understanding and living by design and operating by the relevant details.
21 unassuming benchmarks of natives in 2022
- As little as you view it, you sleep and wake up on a daily basis based on decision to invest in your daily vibration. Sleep is no longer a thing you need to do but the quality of investment you make on a cultured note to reap a vibrant and smart day.
- Your personal, family and organizational energies are piloted and directed towards a compelling course of action reinforcing and incentivizing your most dominant value.
- You no longer wait for life events to unfold before you take the relevant decision; rather you choose what you want and demand what you require to exhibit the same.
- Your feelings, thoughts, emotions, imaginations and passions are structured within you to feature outside with a billion pound actionable steps intricately programmed for success powered through a laser focus drive and pursuit.
- That excuses for failure; why it cannot happen is no longer tolerable or tenable. You simply tweak and manipulate issues without stepping unethically upon toes while orchestrating the change much desired.
- You are no longer fascinated by who is wrong, but what is wrong and how you go ahead to fixing it, whether you are the cause or not.
- For your critical connection, you will acknowledge the way, locate and identify with the truth in order to communicate the life so pure and transparent under the help of the divine one; all for success and significance.
- You are going to package your life for responsibility down the border lines. You no longer trade blames or point the fingers of accusation while holding useful conversations.
- You are going to involve and participate in critical engagement; where you interact. interface in order to intervene for solutions in situations.
- That everyone who comes around you by proxy or providence will enjoy you instead of enduring you as you create and multiply value that impact positively on them.
- You are going to find and define your space as a matter of priority and provide opportunity for others to guide and enjoy relevance giving your most valuable impetus and input.
- That you are no longer giving to intimidating anyone with the proceeds of ‘accumulation’ but lightens up the space via the privilege of contribution to many around you.
- Where you have decided to live by your personal principle as a basis for seamless authority… a place where you accept who you are in terms of strength, weakness, opportunities and threats exposed to you.
- Where you are ready to convert your weaknesses to strength and threats to opportunities.
- When you package your strength to manage opportunities available aright for value creation in optimal production.
- Where you see every threat around your stake as an opportunity in disguise empowering your concept for the next level
- Where you are sensitive to the prospect and plight of everyone around you for the next level thinking.
- Where you are able to regulate your impulses. stirrings and emotion for the highest advantage available to you.
- Where your heart and mind agree with the deeds of the hand powering the motions of your feet all the time.
- Where you engage all your internal resources for external responsibility without holding back.
- Where you are up and doing obeying and regulating all symptoms, signs and protocols for the best lifestyle possible.
The journey to intentional lifestyle begins from you as a person. Know yourself, grow yourself and show yourself to the waiting world. You have what it takes to conquer in your own space. Don’t just exist; live. Don’t bleed; bless. Never say No!; look for the YES and multiply value. I have a personal philosophy “Anyone who meets me this year gets value!
How to exude energy for massive outcomes in 2022 deliberately
Run the reality checks for intentional lifestyle as you download the form below and fill it accordingly.…. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1TPkNm1h5ofB51G-pbdhI8c54Tk_xWHNd/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=112669447972139020545&rtpof=true&sd=true
For further enquiries as to marshal and manifest your own personal, family and organizational framework 2022 and forward, please contact me via +2348035999220; Attention: Dr James Komolafe.
Join in our bid to raising an advocacy against sudden collapses in 7 critical thematic areas- i. Lifestyle collapse, ii. Lifespan collapse iii. Process collapse, iv. Relationship collapse, v. Responsibility collapse, vi. Collapses into ‘High Blood Pressure’ vii. Kidney collapse. We can save Africa as we together flaunt this as an initiative…Africa shall be saved and Nigeria has a greater future: It is time to “Save Africans From The Sudden Collapses!!!!!! To be continued….
James Komolafe, PhD in Behavioral Health is Consultant Behaviorist /CEO, SABA Resources Psychosocial Intervention Hub, Suite 8-9, Fatima Plaza, Beside First Bank Plc … A multipurpose Centre for personal and organization wellness handling the GOOD (cases of definition)BAD( cases of violation) and the UGLY ( cases of deviation). Telephone 08035999220 email:james1kom@gmail.com YouTube Channel: James Komolafe Twitter@coachkomolafe