The Behavioral Stretch Analysis: 21 Windows of Widespread Stretches in Daily Vibration


Life on a daily basis is a fundamental phenomenon that is powered by energy through the various stretches within the behavioral gap and existence. Just as on breathes in oxygen to take out Carbon dioxide, even so, every native burns and builds the vital energies for work and for life on a daily basis. Many have this illusion of not burning energy for the fact that they are not moving around. Mere sitting down to think is an energetic action or variable as we all operate and live in the universe of energy. It is however pertinent that we recognize what energy field we operate in per time. As long as you exist, you are either burning or building on your energy lanes; the spiritual energy-energy of the heart, the mental energy-energy of the mind, the emotional energy-energy of relationship, the physical energy; energy of the body. There is a consequence to every vibration and a response (within or without) to every action.

Sad to say, many natives in our world today confuse stress with their requisite stretches. When you break your stretch limit per time, you experience the bad stress. Stress is good when it is just a mere effort within your behavioral stretch and bad when it is outside it. Many people break their energy borders over time and suffer the untold consequences. Due to ignore or widespread ignorance, they wait until the chips are down before looking for curatives. It is by no means a behavioral wisdom doing this. That you are taking a certain drug to control an action or a symptom may not directly implies that you are controlling the habits behind the symptom!!!!!! In the behavioral dynamics, every cause of action is a behavioral variable powered by either energy generation or expenditure.

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There is the quantum of stress needed for the daily vibration that results in certain manifestations; stretches provide that opportunity to enjoy the positive stress.

The behavioral stretch circle or loop of a man plays a vital role in his daily leaps in life as it manages his energy level and transmission from generation to expenditure whether he is aware of it or not.

See, when you stretch, you undertake a critical action or inaction which could be stressful or not…. just as one loads up the handset in other to extend the data plan for accessibility into many other stuff on the internet, in the same vein, the behavioral stretch serves as a medium of consumption and generation of energy. The more you make effort to burn and build on your vital energy lanes, the better the stretch capacity. The question is this- Are you stretching rounded or lopsided? You are either balanced or tilted in your daily vibration. Remember, the behavioral gap is a function of all that you do and undo by conscious observation or by looking the other way. Attention is key, focus is critical in behavioral dynamics.

When energy consumption is below generation on a frequent note, it poses a dangerous threat to both the behavioral and the medical health and could result into many behavioral ill health and maladies such as the health nosedives, the behavioral resistance, the lifestyle gridlocks and the eventual hypertensive traps. This could be a welcome development into a new but unfortunate ecosystem; the behavioral traps where the lifestyle is solidly under the control of the new culture under a watchful ‘self-management’. It is a position sponsored by a life of sheer negligence of the behavioral lifestyle in accustomed destination! In the financial world, no bank would continue to give overdrafts to a customer whose solvency is questionable.

In behavioral stretches, in the long run, energy withdrawal must never be higher than deposits. This piece of advice in this write up is a call for caution in the intuitive, intelligent and interactive domains where everyone daily transacts and communicates on a behavioral note.

As far as a stretches is concerned,behavioral solvency calls for proper understanding of one’s current state and the willingness to do the needful. The behavioral stretch is therefore the gateway to transmit energy as it also acts as a receptor of the same depending on activity involved while engaging the abilities within a given reality.. So whether, you stand, sit, walk, run,thinkor walk, you are burning energy and could be exhausted or weak. Whichever way, no stretch leaves a man the same. ..Something must either add up or get used up. As long as one stretches within the specified limit of existence, you operate within a safe mode. Every native has their stretch limits dictated by an individual’s personal behavioral possibility curve. That determines whether there an order in place or not.

Know this truth today about your stretches. While you may use recommended drugs to control a particular ailment, you may never be able to do the same for a behavioral challenge. E.g. when you don’t sleep well and you are having headaches, it is no wisdom to stop only at taking any other drugs to cure it; you need a radical behavior modification dimension ascertain the cause, prescribe the therapies and re-arrange your daily protocols in order to aid your sleep pattern. The work of a Cognitive Behavioral Therapist becomes fundamental here to ascertain or diagnose the root cause of the headache and handle things from there while the effect goes away with intervention.

The law of deliberate creation and intentional living is activated each time a man stretches. It is a deliberate and conscious thing. The need to watch that particular stretch that leads to just withdrawals and more withdrawals without corresponding action to deposit back as one vibrates is critical to a lopsided energy lifestyle common in our days.

3 Sources of Behavioral Stretch Imposition

1. It could be self-imposed by deliberate desire to achieve a goal. At this juncture, your position is determined by your decision and the choice you make.

2. It could also be a system generated thing for which you have to willingly obey without seams. It is an external inducement.

3. There are also the societal imposed stretches that is determined by policies(whether at private or public levels), culture and nature. Certain people could have influence on one as to determine the tilt of events.

Servicing the Behavioral Stretch Protocols

The behavioral stretch protocols: Understand the 21 ways of daily engagement. The daily behavioral stretches happen in the gamut of the holistic persona in these realms…

1. Intuitive Stretches—- stretch in the realm of sixth sense.

i. Inner insight or inspiration

ii. Introspective meditation

iii. Sudden inner enlightenment

iv. Inner stir of awareness

v. Entrenched personal observation

vi. Perception

vii. Instant Perspective…all these consume energies and also give

2. The intellectual stretches– These are stretches in the realm of the intelligence…where your skill, technical know-how, competence and abilities count..

i. Thinking

ii. Reasoning

iii. Deliberating

iv. Imagining

v. Studying

vi. Believing

vii. Hoping…..all these are energy variables…you burn and also build.

3. The interaction stretches- They are stretches in the physical realm by active engagement

i. Walking/ Running et cetera

ii. Talking/ speaking/ shouting

iii. Agitating

iv. Working

v. Looking/ Sighting

vi. Playing

vii. Other exercises….all requires energy.

Note: Anything you do within these 3 medium of expression constitute a stretch and would either contribute to increasing energy level or depleting it. Every native has 3 markets for transaction (Intuitive, emotional and physical) three mediums of expression (Inspirational, Intellectual and Interaction); and three marshal points (consignment, equipment and assignment)

Looking at the above 21 windows for stretch, the question to ask is this….how often do I compensate for the energy expenditure through stretches? The last line is this: When you burn energy constantly and fail to engage in deliberate replacement via the appropriate nourishment, you sponsor some unpleasant  hazards.

To be continued………..Should you want to be aided to the place of the daily energy balance? Where energy expenditure tallies with consumption for the purpose of effective lifestyle, long life and vibrant disposition? Request for The SABA Reources Tool Kits for Energy Balance.


To be forewarned now is to be forearmed. Join today in the crusade against sudden collapses. Let us personally launch a frontal attack on bad lifestyle, poor health culture and a general carefree behavior sponsoring the negative cause of poor health and hygienic practices. Take the SABA Resources test at least once in two months for free as you implement and integrate the result in self-adjustment and lifestyle overhaul. This exercise spell great wisdom for prevention as against the coming down in hypertension mode where people resort to the expensive curatives which may not eradicate the scourge;  Assess yourself monthly and keep your energy level at the optimum as you burn and build the four lanes of personal management. Be SABAwise now!!! Click the link and take it instant…. . Revert asap for interpretation and application.

Join in our bid to raising an advocacy against sudden collapses in 7 critical thematic areas-  i. Lifestyle collapse, ii. Lifespan collapse iii. Process collapse, iv. Relationship collapse, v. Responsibility collapse, vi. Collapses into ‘High Blood Pressure’  vii. Kidney collapse.  We can save Africa as we together flaunt this as an initiative…Africa shall be saved and Nigeria has a greater future: It is time to “Save Africans From The Sudden Collapses!!!!!! To be continued….

Dr. James Komolafe, PhD in Behavioral Health is Consultant Behaviorist /CEO, SABA Resources Psychosocial Intervention Hub… A multipurpose Centre for personal and organization wellness handling the GOOD (cases of definition)BAD( cases of violation) and the UGLY ( cases of deviation). Telephone 08035999220 YouTube Channel: James Komolafe Twitter@coachkomolafe

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