Sedentary lifestyle; captivity in the land of nativity…A clarion call to personal navigation from sedentary to phenomenon

A sedentary lifestyle is one with no regular or irregular physical activity and an excessive amount of daily sitting whether in personal disposition or workplace articulation.
People trapped by the menace of sedentary are either not participating much in physical activity, too passive in their lives or doing less within a given arena that is not stretching their energies appreciably. They hardly become tired as a result of much work, rather as a result of much idleness.
They are rarely engaged in walking, jogging or cycling.
Sedentary lifestyle exploration
The prevalence of sedentary lifestyle is associated factors among many adolescents in our days. They sit idle, accumulating not just the fat but the unutilized energy blocs. The retirees and senior citizens are most culpable and this has been associated with negative health outcomes in all age groups. Nowadays, accident is no longer sudden mishaps in motion only. People rise to become sick and weak, nervous wreck and tired, swollen legs and thighs… disjointed body, painful cage and thrombosis surface …and one is left to wander what goes wrong…Various diagnosis may not ready discover the incidence of sedentary.
Sedentary behavior is multifaceted and influenced by a complex interaction between individual, environmental and socio cultural factor

Living a syndentary lifestyle is becoming a significant public issue and appears to be increasingly widespread in many nations despite been linked to a range of chronic health conditions.
On very many occasions, symptoms of sedentary living are hidden while the damages to health condition continues to be on the increase. Irrespective of age

10 quality decisions for personal navigation to phenomenon from sedentary ehaviour

  1. Personal concept: how well have you been grounded to know yourself and being a man/woman of your sort? What are you doing the wrong way?
  • Personal content: how deep and strong within are you for a fundamental stand for operation. Before confrontong any concept, find out 2
    *. Personal charms and carriage : how well do you appreciate your looks without a complex for inferiority or superiority. Your looks precedes your leaps.
    *. Personal competence: how frequent have you built skills and develop your capacity for enlargement and activity? what have you really fix within a time spectrum?
  • Personal concern: for the full life and not mediocrity, how well do you desire the rounded and comprehensive lifestyle?
  • Personal commitment: how well does your sacrifice beef up the game of family members around you.
    Personal conscience: how well do you have conscience towards God and other stakeholders alike to find fullness.
  • Personal contribution: how passionate are you to contribute to solving problems around and the world at large.
    Personal cause: how well can you stand up for something real in life in order to make all the meaning.
  • Personal contentment: how well do you see yourself, accept your ideals and crave for constant overhaul.
    These dimensions are necessary in the journey to phenomenon from sedentary. As a house built without being functionally occupied decays and drops through, so is the lifestyle accommodating sedentary for a habit. Stop the abuse, misuse and the disuse alike today. Invest in the right activities given your abilities for the current realities. You either play now and be strong or be prepared to pay for the grave consequence of sedentary living. Request today for details of Sedentary Lifestyle Assessment Policy t (SLAP 101)
    Final word; Play your role now and pay for the sacrifice than living things to chances…To be continued.
    James Komolafe is Cognitive Behavioral Therapist/ Doctor of Behavioural Health…CEO, School or Articulation and Behavioural Alignment Resources…identifying the errors and running the errands across platforms.
    Ask James Komolafe,CEO, SABA Resources.08035999220
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