Scent leaves and its many uses

By Obiabin Onukwugha

Scent leaves, also known as Ocimum gratissimum, are aromatic herbs commonly found in tropical regions. Scent leaves have many uses and can serve lots of purposes whether as spice or medicine.

This amazing plant that grow in our backyards possess more.medicinal powers and uses that many are yet to known by many. It’s fragrance is appealing and can actually drive house flies away from your food.

Chewing scent leaves with a little salt is a quick cure for stomach upset and vomit. Scent leaves also serve as great spice for pepper soups, whether with fresh/dried fish and meat.

Scent leaves can also serve as additive for some local herbs used for treating high fever.

In some local Niger Delta communities where traditional medicine is practised, scent leaves is a quick cure for convulsion in children.

Mixing scent leaves with kernel oil brings quick healing for children hit by convulsions and has saved the lives of many children who would have hitherto died because of lack of hospital facilities.

Besides, chewing a few scent leaves can help freshen your breath naturally. Scent leaves also have the ability to help you combat body odor. To treat your body odour, squiz a handful of it and apply the paste to your underarms and leave for some time, then wash off.

Soaking your feet in warm water with scent leaves can help eliminate foot odor and leave your feet refreshed.

Adding a few scent leaves to your warn bathwater can also treat fever and leave you relaxed.

This plant is also said to have the potency of treating hair loss. Massaging your scalp with scent leaf oil can help improve blood circulation and promote a healthy scalp, which can lead to stronger and healthier hair.


