By Chisom Ibemere
Beetroot is the taproot of a Beet plant. It is also known as beets, red beets, table beets, dinner beet and garden beet by different regions of the world.
Beetroot botanically called beta vulgaris is loaded with essential minerals and vitamins like fibre, folate, iron, Vitamin C, potassium and manganese. It may be eaten raw, boiled or roasted and are harvested for different culinary purposes. It can be used in making Beetroot juice which is associated with lots of health benefits which may include: decrease in blood pressure and it improve blood circulation etc. There are varieties of beetroot which is named after their colour: yellow, white and pink beetroot.
Beetroots are great sources of minerals and vitamins with numerous health benefits. Vitamins C in beetroot is a great anti-oxidant that help to boost immunity and great for the skin. It contains Iron that helps in the production of red blood cells and facilitate the movement of oxygen in the blood system. It is essential for anaemic patients. Potassium is great for the heart health. It ensures proper circulation from the heart round the body. Folate improves the women health especially the pregnant women.
Beetroot contains other plant compounds which are beneficial for human health. It contains inorganic nitrates which helps in reduction of blood pressure and reduces the risk of other health challenges. It also has vulgaxanthine, which is responsible for the orange and yellow colours of beetroots, betanin gives the red pigment in beetroots. All these help to improve the quality of life and with various health benefits.
Beetroot is known to improve general athletic performance. This results from the presence of nitrates contained in it. Nitrates enhance the energy level of cells in the body. It improves the efficacy of Mitochondria which is known as the power house of cells. Nitrates also boost the brain health by improving the mental and cognitive functions. It also exhibits anti-inflammatory and anticancer attributes.