Numerous benefits of Oha leaves

By Chisom Ibemere

Oha or Ora leave is called African Rosewood in English. It is a very popular vegetable native to the Igbos in Nigeria. It is scientifically called Pterocarpus mildbraedii, and known for its medicinal properties. The Oha plant grows into a huge tree that retains its green leaves throughout the year.

The Oha leaves are used to prepare one of the most delicious and nutritious soups in Nigeria known as oha soup. It can be prepared with cocoyam or achi, palm kernel oil, uziza leaves and meat. It is rich in amazing nutrients like calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, antioxidants, fibre, Vitamins B and C, and lots more which are beneficial to the body in so many ways.

Oha leaf contains iron, which encourages the production of haemoglobin, a substance that produces red blood cells in the body thereby preventing anaemia. Its fibre content facilitate digestion of food thereby reducing constipation, irritable bowel syndrome and other digestive issues. It prevents colon cancer and improves gut health.

Oha leave contains two powerful nutrients, calcium and magnesium, which are essential for bone health. It keeps the bones strong and prevents bone problems such as osteoporosis. It helps the blood vessels to relax thereby preventing high blood pressure. This is due to the Magnessium and potassium content in Oha leaves.

Oha leaves are rich in phytochemicals and antioxidants that strengthens the immune system and fight diseases and infection. They protect the body from free radicals that cause harm to the body cells. The leaves also promote healthy liver and kidney.

Oha leaves have powerful antioxidants and numerous healthy phytonutrients, which prevents the proliferation of cancer cells. It contains flavonoids, saponins, alkaloids, tannins. These phytochemicals can destroy free radicals, and fight cancer.