NATIVES’ UTMOST CHALLENGE WITH POOR HEALTH, SUDDEN DISASTER AND DEATH; how to cooperate with nature via “A-do-it-yourself approach as one desires to live long and well…

By Dr. James Komolafe


Living well and long is a major battle of the 21st century go getters and everyone who desires wholeness. Wholeness and productivity is a simple desire across human existence. Millions of fortunes are devoted annually either on personal, corporate institutions at government level and general wellbeing; not minding the contribution and impact of the pandemic, the challenge of short lifespan through sudden death and disasters in high and low places seem not abating.

Life is first and foremost about personal lifestyle protocols. It is about the behavior we exude based on personal energy management. The basic human energy and its management exist in four major lanes. The spiritual, mental, emotional and physical energy play a vital role in the outcomes of everyone across the natures’ territorial waters. The challenge of our time is that many people live anyhow. Yet, they expect to live long and well. Two gaps are responsible largely in our world; by those who know and sheer ignorance by many who are unaware of the critical implication of energy mismanagement.

Wellness and Long life- The basic determinants

In wellness and productivity, the way you package determines the way you manage every other affair around your day to day living….and that begins from you. Living well and long depend on you and God- the giver of life! It is a promise from the Almighty and a performance by man. What you do with the various provisions at your disposal as you take responsibility through conscious knowledge and practical application is critical. The provision is one and the application of the provision is another

To live anyhow and expect to stay long on the nature’s earth is a far cry! This is an exercise in futility. Every native must know that “life style determines life span upon definite lifelines- either long or short”! You have what it takes right now to make the most of the singular opportunity to give your bracket of existence the best shot. Build a credible legacy while you are alive and keep the energy game at the optimal level through a preventive approach….working with numbers and data as a measure of value for health and wholeness as you modify your behavior. It is time to stop the sudden collapses and arrest health disasters gaining influence among all groups in the society.

A vote for lifestyle regimen!

 It is time to deliver Africa from the fire brigade approach to sudden collapses and death trap. It is time to support the efforts of individuals, families, institutions and other discerning groups to live long and well through the downloading of the processing of the mind on ink and paper in facts and figures hitting the ground running without seams. It is time to live by simple analysis without the paralysis of fear and apprehension over the known and the unknown. The world over is shying away from the drug ridden therapy whether legitimate or not. Behavioral modification and lifestyle protocol through the observance of basic comprehensive hygienic practices upon a balance regimen is gaining a place of pride.

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The alarming rate of youths in the saddle of high blood pressure and acute stress!

When I was much younger, several decades ago, the challenge of hypertension, stroke, kidney diseases and other debilitating health challenges were only known as a challenge with the adults and the aged. Hypertension was common with men and women in their late 60s, 70s and above. The game has changed. Beside hypertension being hereditary, we have a secret and silent epidemic with us right now. Many younger fellows in the active demography 15- 55 are in the saddle of hypertension,diabetes and kidney diseases, addiction and all kinds of bad health due to bad behavior. Surprisingly a large chunk of these numbers are people who are trapped not because they inherit same from their parents but simply because they have defied consciously or unconsciously the personal energy game; they project a deviant life that is strangely inimical to their original life and existence.

The energy outrage; energy game or war?

In the personal energy parlance and dynamics, you either prepare to play the energy game through the observance of the necessary protocols or settle down to fight the energy war.

Know this at once! No body fights the energy war and win. You may win the arguments via excuses and finger pointing but would never win the battle over the consequence of personal energy violation. The health of your behavior captures the evidence of your life from the minutest thought of your mind to the highest limit of your daily activities. It is where what you do as a person or fail to do is accounted for. Behind most of these appeals to go to India for either kidney transplants while on 3 days a week dialysis in Nigeria or elsewhere is a call for concern and arrest through a confrontational strategy that would combat the menace. The School of Articulation and Behavioral Alignment Resources (AKA SABA Resources) hub and management runs an initiative to prevent health and productivity decline through careful evidenced based performance variables and its dynamics in the behavioral health. 

The energy dynamics angle is being a critical issue under scrutiny here beside other variables being considered. Why the wait for cure when you can prevent? Being able to manage your lanes of energy is the beginning of great wisdom for long life, wellness and optimal productivity. This call is for all and sundry to become an expert in the energy game because what you do or ignore would always add up either making you great or weak in your daily expression and vibrations.

The concluding amazing remarks!!!!

The grievous part of this negative scenario is that one may not even realize the fact of energy mismanagement track immediately except for the slight impulses through certain triggers and symptoms which are often neglected by many. The slight headaches, frequent weakness, mood disorder, pains around critical areas and some other stress induced anomalies are often taken for granted by many. This eventually could land them in that new “emotional ecosystem” where they are welcomed by the medicals into an array of rules and conditions to live by in drug dosages, certain abstinence, conscious withdrawals from certain activities and the total escape from some certain diets.  The “new arrivals” soon become an individual to be managed by force having rejected or ignored the various warning signals on the way to this unfortunate trap of hypertension.

To be forewarned now is to be forearmed. Join today in the crusade against sudden collapses. Let us personally launch a frontal attack on bad lifestyle, poor health culture and a general carefree behavior sponsoring the negative cause of poor health and hygienic practices. Take the SABA Resources test at least once in two months for free as you implement and integrate the result in self-adjustment and lifestyle overhaul. This exercise spell great wisdom for prevention as against the coming down in hypertension mode where people resort to the expensive curatives which may not eradicate the scourge;  Assess yourself monthly and keep your energy level at the optimum as you burn and build the four lanes of personal management. Be SABAwise now!!! Click the link and take it instant…. . Revert asap for interpretation and application.

Join in our bid to raising an advocacy against sudden collapses in 7 critical thematic areas-  i. Lifestyle collapse, ii. Lifespan collapse iii. Process collapse, iv. Relationship collapse, v. Responsibility collapse, vi. Collapses into ‘High Blood Pressure’  vii. Kidney collapse.  We can save Africa as we together flaunt this as an initiative…Africa shall be saved and Nigeria has a greater future: It is time to “Save Africans From TheSudden Collapses!!!!!!

To be continued….

Dr. James Komolafe, PhD in Behavioral Health isConsultant Behaviorist /CEO, SABA Resources Psychosocial Intervention Hub… A multipurpose Centre for personal and organization wellness handling the GOOD(cases of definition)BAD( cases of violation) and the UGLY ( cases of deviation). Telephone 08035999220 YouTube Channel: James Komolafe Twitter@coachkomolafe

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