Moods; The Way Natives Perceive and Receive Nature Part 1

A mood is an essential ingredients of our daily life. It describes our responses or reactions to the daily happenings around our lives. It is the ‘tick-tuck’ of both the inner clock and outer one as it delivers one’s existence. A Mood colors the mind and project one’s actions and the reactions, manifestations, desires or decisions over issues- whether internally as a person or externally as a response to the environment. The mood of every native relates the way he sees and interprets every transmission of the daily existence as life offers the good, the bad and the ugly.

Moods are on going temporary flashes within, showing externally one’s posture and positioning relative to happenings. They are never isolated but related to a cause and a given effect. Many natives allow their moods to take over their lives as against just feeling and expressing it. Mood appreciation dynamics does not over emphasize the roles and its elements above self definition. Having one’s direction in the negative order just because of a mood you find yourself offers a misinterpreted scenario that reflects the way nature is percieved.
The good news is that the “touch” of nativity says “in good or bad moods, you are the one still in charge always and can dictate what happens to you as a consequence” It is one thing to dictect a mood and another to allow it dictate your moves….just like that. Every mood gives you the room to take a position given the various options open to you to do the needful.


  1. To take charge of your mood as a resource and not a rival, you must understand and profile your mood per time through these basic analyses…
    i. Identification…what it is in the first place
    ii. Appreciation…You must accept it first as a mere mortal. Let it provoke you to reality and package you as being original and not fake.
    iii. Exploration…Dig deep into that mood through thoughts and contemplation; what is the cause of the mood?.
    iv.Reflection…This is where knowledge resident within you mixes up with the feelings upon you for a shift of position or point of a new decision. Please allow this to happen always
    v. Discretion…..Puts you in the front seats of your new decision to initiate a move.
    vi. Activation…You power drive your decision via actionable steps to achieve a change either the good, the bad or ugly.
    vii. Observation…You create a new reality based on your action. Never allow your mood to wander without a response from you. Profile and process your mood each time in order to ‘BE’ better version of you per time. The mood you make, would eventual make you to mastery and deliver from misery woes. Mood expresses you as a human being responding to nature. See it always as a tool to making a better decision otherwise you become a seeming toy in the menace of an untreated mood. . The mood dynamics says ” you can either be defined, refined or defiled by it, depending on your posture to each mood. Every unprocessed mood upon experience is an experiment of life heading one for a disaster. See and utilize every mood as a tool; a resource for a greater result without regrets.


  1. Lesson that are TAUGHT…Every mood offers an opportunity to learn from it. You are taught certain lessons about life and nature.Don’t waste your moods. Never must you pretend about it. You cannot waive it aside in denial either. This is self sabotage. It is a facade and a falsehood. It will certainly bounce back to hurt you as a person.
  2. Lessons that are CAUGHT. Do you know that life offers a seed bed for certain experiences no man can ever teach? Mood turns certain experiments to experience in order to create for you a new level of expectation. Nature engages your moods to make certain unleashing….you are not taught here. You simply catch the message content and are likely to shift your position instantly. Lessons taught could be forgotten but never for lessons caught. They remain with you forever! The mood dynamics is at the root of it all.


  1. They are loaded and coded. Carrying so much for you
  2. Moods are templates offer to you per time or events
  3. Thoughts and moods could be temporary but transitional.Never static
  4. Mood makes you human and not inhuman when you profile it.( Many people are stranded or stucked here)
  5. Mood elicits a response from you.
  6. Moods describe your status per time or season
  7. Moods make you amenable to nature
  8. Moods are master marshal..pointing your attention to opportunities
  9. Moods have causes for existing
  10. Mood operations go through some courses
  11. Mood identity is your personality in alignment or out of alignment.
  12. They are pointers to the next line of assignment.

Manage your moods always.
The mood you don’t manage can damage one. So package your moods to manage without the damage.
Has something made you happy or sad? Please allow it in the first place. Feel it and pick the lessons from it. ….then do the needful. In the next edition we shall discuss 21 issues about mood management by natives without manipulation. Remember, you are the one in the saddle in every mood. Nature has abundance waiting for you to receive. Profile your mood based on your personal understanding and undertakings. The School of Articulation and Behavioural Alignment Resources through her MOOD MASTERY AND DYNAMICS have offered supports via her “Emotional Laboratory” to many across board for emotional wellness and productivity. Request for both online/ offline supports immediately. Mood makes and mar us. It’s time to speak up and out. Hone and harvest from your moods as a resource base otherwise one stand the risk of hopping into horrors never budgeted for.
To be continued…Dr James Komolafe is Cognitive Behavioral Therapist and Consultant Resident Doctor at The School of Articulation and Behavioural Alignment Resources (SABA Resources).. A wellness and productivity hub for strategic solutions and critical interventions in personal, family & organizational platforms. We offer comprehensive behavioral analysis, procedures for the best outcomes possible.
To reach him… or +2348035999220

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