Lagos Listed Among Cities Facing Submergence by 21000 Globally

Lagos has been listed as the second country facing the ominous prospect of vanishing beneath rising waters by the turn of the century.

The disturbing report was contained in a report by the World Economic Forum.

A list of 11 major cities across the globe were listed as facing the possibility of vanishing.

Experts say the dire predictions underscore the urgent need for immediate and concerted action against climate change.

Jakarta, Indonesia, tops the list, while Houston, Texas, is third, with Dhaka, Bangladesh, coming 4th.

Others are: Venice, Italy, Virginia Beach, Virginia, Bangkok, Thailand, New Orleans, Louisiana, Rotterdam, Netherlands, Alexandria, Egypt and Miami, Florida.

According to the report, the threat looming over the cities stems from the escalating effects of climate change, particularly the rising sea levels attributed to global warming.

It said the accelerated melting of polar ice caps and glaciers and other environmental factors have placed these cities at a critical juncture.

Experts warned that without immediate and substantial intervention, these urban centres, teeming with millions of inhabitants and boasting significant cultural, economic, and historical heritage, could be submerged by the encroaching waters within the next eight decades.

Efforts to mitigate the impact of this impending catastrophe are underway in many of these cities, involving the construction of stronger infrastructure and adaptation strategies.

However, the severity of the challenge necessitates a global response, urging nations to redouble their commitment to reducing carbon emissions and combatting the root causes of climate change.