Illiteracy and Nigeria’s waste management

By Ojugbele Omotunde

The high rate of illiteracy in Nigeria can make waste management extremely difficult. Numerous issues can arise from lack of education and awareness regarding the significance of appropriate waste disposal and the possible negative effects of improper waste management on the environment.

The primary problem is littering. People may improperly dispose of their waste if they are unaware of the negative environmental effects of littering, which could result in an accumulation of trash in streets, public areas, and waterways. In addition to making the environment unattractive and unclean, this also increases pollution and may endanger wildlife.

The frequency of open dumping presents another difficulty. Some people and communities dispose of their waste by openly dumping them because they don’t know how it will affect the ecosystem. This practice puts the health of the local population at risk in addition to releasing toxic materials into the land and water.

Limited awareness and illiteracy also lead to inadequate waste infrastructure. Some areas might not have the infrastructure required for waste collection services, recycling facilities, and landfill management if proper waste management systems are not understood. This may result in less sustainable waste management techniques and ineffective waste disposal techniques.

The issue is further exacerbated by a lack of knowledge about recycling and waste segregation practices. Valuable resources end up in landfills or incinerators when people are not taught how to separate recyclable materials from general waste, worsening environmental problems. In order to address this issue, education and awareness campaigns that emphasize composting, recycling, and waste segregation can be extremely important.

It takes a multifaceted approach to address these problems. Campaigns for education and awareness are essential for advancing literacy and disseminating easily understood information about waste management techniques. People can be empowered to take charge of their waste and make educated decisions by learning about waste segregation, recycling, composting, and the significance of minimizing waste generation.