IFAD finances agricultural productivity project focused on rice, cassava in Togo

The Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock of Togo launched the “Agricultural Transformation in the Nigerian Federal States and Togolese regions towards Achieving Zero Hunger” project in Lomé.

The project carried out in partnership with “AfricaRice and the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA)”, runs for three years and aims to improve agricultural productivity in Togo, and Nigeria.

The project is backed by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) with a $2 million package.

In Togo, it focuses on the rice and cassava value chains and covers four out of the country’s five regions: Savanes, Kara, Plateaux, and Maritime.

Ultimately, the project will train 9,000 agents across the two value chains concerned–4,500 per value chain.

This will boost agricultural production, strengthen agricultural capacities, and boost productivity, thus helping fight malnutrition and ensure food security throughout the country.

The project began with a strategic review, identifying challenges and proposing solutions to completely eradicate hunger in Togo by 2030.

The launch was marked by the screening of a documentary on the strategies put in place by Nigeria as part of “Hunger Zero.”