How young organic farmer is transforming lives in her community 

By Obiabin Onukwugha

The global business landscape in recent years, has witnessed a paradigm shift towards sustainability.

With global food shortages and an increasing number of entrepreneurs recognizing the importance of eco-friendly practices, young people have keyed into the innovation, thus improving livelihoods and contributing to food security.

Eco-entrepreneurship, also known as green or sustainable entrepreneurship, involves building businesses that prioritize environmental responsibility alongside financial success.

Roja Reddy, is one young graduate who has tranformed her life and that of her family through organic farming.

Reading through her story, it resonates hard work, determination and vision.

Through organic farming, Reddy is not just providing food for her family, but has made significant income for herself and at the same time, employer of Labour.

It was reported that Reddy’s parents, who have been farmers for their entire lives, wanted her to get a job in the city. In order to satisfy their wishes, Reddy went to school and obtained a bachelors degree in engineering and got a job in Bengaluru.

However, her wish to become a farmer never left her. After working for a few years, during the COVID-19 pandemic, it was learnt, Reddy decided to move back to her hometown and engaged in organic farming on her ancestral land in Donnehalli, India.

It was gathered that Reddy’s decision was faced with scepticism as villagers mocked her for leaving her high-paying job farming. But she persevered and formed a network of 500 organic farmers throughout the country.

Today, Reddy’s dedication has paid off, turning 50 acres of land into a profitable venture, earning around Rs 1 crore annually.

Additionally, she has also inspired 25 farmers in her village to switch to organic farming.