‘Green’ Economist Recognized in New Year Honors 2021

The work of a number of the UK’s leading scientists has been recognised in this year’s New Year Honours.

Prof Dieter Helm, chairman of the government’s advisory Natural Capital Committee, has received a knighthood.

Marcus Agius, former chairman of the board of trustees at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, becomes a CBE.

Meanwhile, Dr Hermione Cockburn, scientific director of Dynamic Earth, is appointed OBE (Officer of the Order of the British Empire).

Prof Helm received his knighthood in recognition for his services to “the environment, to energy and utilities policy”.

“The recognition of a lifetime of work on public policy is a great honour,” Sir Dieter told BBC News.

“Over the last decade I have being working on the 25-year environment plan, which is now being integrated into the Environmental Bill going through Parliament.

“I also wrote the Cost of Energy Review, which is now being reflected in the Energy White Paper.

“These are examples of the intersection between academic research, government and business, which is not only the area that interests me most, but where there is a chance to make things happen.”

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