Gov Namadi launches disbursement of $250,000 CRF to farmers under World Bank supported ACReSAL Project

Gov Namadi launches disbursement of $250,000 CRF to farmers under World Bank supported ACReSAL Project

The Jigawa State Governor, Malam Umar Namadi, on Tuesday launched the disbursement of $25,000 Community Revolving Funds (CRF) under World Bank supported program, the Agro-climatic Resillence in Semi-arid Landscape (ACReSAL) to Dabi CRF committee.

This signalled the beginning of CRF disbursement to 100 Community Interest Groups (CIGs) under Ringim and Hadejia Catchments.

The 10 piloting communities include Dabi, Hantsu, Agufa, Shafar, Gamsarka, Gilima, Yandutse, Safa Babba, Gamafoi, and Auramo are meant to receive $25,000 each as a loan initiatives, with the objective of enhancing agricultural productivity, food security, and promoting rural development towards climate smart agriculture.

Gov Namadi while delivering his speech stated that, the Community Revolving Fund (CRF) will help to compliment the 12 points agenda of the Jigawa State Government on agriculture, environment, and water resources towards ensuring sustainable land usage, water resource management, and resilience to climate-smart agriculture.

He added that, “while starting with 10 communities I wish to call all the coordinating team to put more effort into expanding this initiative across the state.

“To the receiving CIGs through the Community Revolving Fund Management Committee (CRFMC) know that this CRF initiative is a loan, and we must ensure effective loan repayment under the designated time, call for judicious use of the fund to allow other farmer’s groups to benefit.”

The Commissioner of Environment who doubles as the Chairman steering committee on ACReSAL, Dr Nura Ibrahim Kazaure, while speaking at the occasion said, the CRF is meant to enhance agricultural productivity, food security, and rural development, which further aims at educating our farmer’s groups on climate-smart agriculture and access to markets, thereby increasing market linkages and value addition among Community Interest Groups (CIGs).

These CIGs were selected under due diligence and guided by the CRF core principles as provided by the World Bank.

He further added that on 6th April 2024, Jigawa State hosted the World Bank Team, the Federal project management unit of ACReSAL and 7 piloting states for a CRF mission, to assess the preparedness of CRF implementation in the state.

From field visits to Gamsarka and Dabi assessments, the World Bank rated Jigawa 1st in CRF preparedness and granted a NO OBJECTION to disburse the fund to 10 communities under Hadejia and Ringim Watersehds, with 7 additional Watersheds which the ACReSAL project is about to kick start.

The State Project coordinator, Malam Yahaya Uba, in his speech said, the selection processes of CIGs have undergone a series of scrutiny provided by the World Bank under the CRF implementation Checklist.

The start project management has put in place all measures to ensure effective loan recovery for other farmer’s groups to benefit.

“The ACReSAL Project as I speak is mobilising and building the capacity of more farmers groups to benefit CRF across the state. The World Bank has granted a NO OBJECTION to expand the CRF implementation to 4 additional watersheds of Gadua, Birninkudu, Kazaure, Kaugama, Gumel, Kirikassamma, and Garki Watershed to meet up with World Bank target of 2800 communities before the end of the year.”

Malam Yahaya appreciated the support of the state government, the steering and technical committee, and the staff state project management unit for making this occasion possible.



ACReSALWorld Bank