Earth Treasure : Tree Agate

By Chisom Ibemere

Tree Agate, is also referred to as Dendritic Agate which is a beautiful variety of Chalcedony that features unique, tree-like patterns formed by mineral inclusions, typically iron and manganese.

Tree Agate had been in existence for centuries and prominent for its earthly appearance and natural designs. It is known for its aesthetic appeal but also for the various symbolic and purported healing properties attributed to it.

Tree Agate is variety of Chalcedony and part of Agate family. As a variety of Chalcedony, it is a microcrystalline form of Quartz. The dendritic inclusions seen in Tree Agate are formed when metallic oxides—such as iron or manganese—penetrate fissures in the stone over time. These minerals then crystallize in patterns that resemble branches or trees, giving the stone its distinctive appearance.

Tree Agate is characterized for its dendritic inclusions rather than any specific color or transparency. Its formations occurs in regions with rich volcanic activity where silica-rich waters seep into rock cavities and slowly crystallize over time. The process is natural, occurring over millions of years, with deposits of Tree Agate found in places like India, Brazil, and the United States.

Tree Agate, like many other stones is believed for its ability to promote calmness, emotional balance, and mindfulness. It is a durable stone and thus used for the manufacture of various items such as Jewelry, decorative carvings which are used for interior designs and other amazing purposes.

It has a white base with green dendritic inclusions and a hardness of 6.5 to 7 on the Mohs scale. It is Opaque to semi-translucent with a Vitreous to silky lustre when polished.

The stone of nature, tree agate, provides a variety of advantages. The fascinating properties and beauty of tree agate make it a very alluring stone. You would feel more connected to the world around you if you wore tree Agate Jewelry. The energy obstructions that are obstructing the free passage of forces will be removed by this stone.