Charcoal Powder, Cure for Teeth Problem


By Obiabin Onukwugha 


Having bad breath or rotten teeths can be embarrassing. Growing up as a primary school pupil, I remember that a particular day in the week was set aside for inspection of nails, hair and teeths. 


Back then, there were no toothpaste and brushes in the village. So, we used shewing sticks. Shewing sticks need extra strength and dedication to achieve clean and bright teeth. So, one of the ways we achieved that was the use of charcoal.


Charcoal is a powered form of carbon-rich material that can be gotten from burning of firewood, and coconut shells or peat. It is also a natural ingredient, which is attractive for those who try to avoid chemicals in mouth care products.


However, for some decades now, sustained advertisements and campaigns from dentists on toothpastes, and as civilisation creep into local communities, charcoal has been relegated to the background.


But that is begining to change again as charcoal toothpaste has become popular with beauty bloggers and Instagram stars promoting it as a way to get beautiful, bright and white teeth. These proponents say that with this century-old ingredient, you can achieve a brighter smile.


Charcoal also has numerous uses, such as water filtration, medicine, and dental care.


The rationale for the use of charcoal powder in whitening teeth basically stems from its adsorbing properties. When you use it to  brush your teeth, it attaches to stains found on your teeth and lift them away. Some common stains due to food, drinks, as well as smoking, may be significantly reduced, leaving your teeth looking whiter.


Charcoal has endeared to many because they find that it does not irritate gums and teeth compared to some over-the-counter whitening products which often induce sensitivity in teeth. Charcoal is also generally cheaper than most professional whitening treatments, hence it is cost-effective.


Applying charcoal on your teeth is easy and can be done in the comfort of your teeth. 


How to apply charcoal powder for teeth bleaching


Dipping into charcoal powder: Get your toothbrush and gently dip the bristles into the charcoal.


Brushing teeth: Brush your teeth by using light circular movement for about two minutes. Be gentle so don’t injure your enamel or gums.


Rinse your mouth: Rinse your mouth with clean water.


Benefits of charcoal toothpaste


It is antiviral and antifungal

It can help to absorb some of the bacteria that cause bad breath

It removes surface stains without damaging the teeth enamel

It can help to prevent future staining


Charcoal is generally considered safe. It is often used by doctors to treat people who have ingested something toxic. Ingesting charcoal for other reasons may not be wise, however, since as well as absorbing toxic substances it may also absorb prescription medications, making it harder for a person to ensure they are taking the correct dose.


But, there are risks of charcoal toothpaste and therefore important to take proper care while using it.


Using charcoal as toothpaste isn’t the same as consuming it. 


These toothpaste products are abrasive and may wear-down your enamel

Stains below the enamel won’t be treated effectively

The charcoal may stain veneers, bridges or fillings

“Many activated (processed) charcoal brands contain no fluoride

“The long-term safety of charcoal toothpaste is still to be studied


It is therefore better to use the natural charcoal if you can access them.