Buhari promises stable democracy, strong security forces in 2023

President Muhammadu Buhari has pledged his commitment to hand over a stable democracy and strong armed forces to the next administration in 2023.

Buhari stated this at a dinner he hosted in honour of the 2022 Committee of Business, Political, Media and Civil Society Leaders at the State House, Abuja, on Monday.

The president said he was looking forward to completing his tenure in 2023, leaving a legacy for a united, peaceful, and prosperous Nigeria with 24 years of uninterrupted democracy.

He further assured Nigerians that his administration would finish strong in the last lap of his tenure, with a strong and repositioned agriculture and a diversified home-grown economy.

He said: ”I am gradually entering my final year in office. It is a period I intend to spend not only on consolidating on the achievements of the past seven years but also to leave a legacy for a united, peaceful, and prosperous Nigeria.

”I take this initiative to mean that you all intend to collaborate with this administration in that direction.

”For those among you who are politicians, you must look beyond gaining power to how you can leverage public positions in the process of societal change.

”To the businessmen and women among you, there is great glory in public service.

”The question that should be uppermost always is: How do we leverage our business endowment for the greater good of our country?

”I am delighted that members of the Nigerian elite have woken up to the fact that the task of changing this society is a task for all of us, whether we are in the private or public sector. Knowing that we have enormous challenges as a nation, but they are not beyond our capacity to overcome if we embrace a new approach.

”We cannot retreat to our ethnic cocoons, nor can we continue to seek solace in our past. We must champion the idea of a Nigeria where every citizen would be proud to call their own. That is the charge before you.”

He expressed delight on the new consciousness by the Nigerian elites to work together with the political class and civil society to build a better Nigeria.

Buhari noted that building consensus around issues of the economy, national security, governance, and ”such other critical areas of national life is a sure path to the future we seek to build.

”As we all know, I have been very critical of the Nigerian elites, essentially because some of us have not always demonstrated that we can rise above personal gain, political partisanship as well as ethnic and religious differences when the situation demands that we all speak and or act as one in the interest of our country.

”There are also many among our elites for whom profit remains the only motivation for any and every enterprise.

”But now, I feel heartened that a more collaborative social enterprise model for resolving our common challenges is being forged.

”I must commend this initiative and its conveners. This is the kind of spirit I have always advocated because it is what we need at this time as we seek to build our society for peace, security and prosperity through dialogue while narrowing the gap between rich and poor.”

On the activities of the Committee, the president acknowledged that he was aware that attendance at their inaugural meeting on Sunday cut across a broad section of the society in the public, private sectors, civil society, and the youth.

He lauded the group for rising above all ethnic and religious divides for the common good, describing the feat as ‘‘fantastic’’.

The president, who said he had wished the group had convened earlier, advised them to try and accommodate a few more interests in their next meeting as they take a ”deeper dive into our national challenges and proffer workable and sustainable solutions for the near, medium, and long term.

’’It is our desire to finish strong in the next 16 months and ensure all hands are on deck for the last lap. We are doubling our efforts against all forms of insecurity, equipping our armed forces and strengthening the police.

”We are determined to continue the war against corruption and fight poverty, we remain focused on building an all-inclusive economic opportunity for all citizens. ”

BuhariDemocracySecurity Forces
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