Biden lifts travel restrictions on Nigeria, Eritrea, Sudan, others

By Nneka Nwogwugwu

Newly inaugurated U.S President Joe Biden has issued 17 executive orders that have reinstated some restrictions by former President Donald Trump.

Among the 17 executive orders and presidential actions Biden signed on Wednesday, were the order to end travel restrictions and immigration from countries including Nigeria, Eritrea, Yemen, Sudan and others.

“There’s no time to waste,” Biden said before signing the executive orders in the White House.
“These are just all starting points,” he added.

President Biden described the policy as discriminatory and an affront to the country’s values.

The President has also sent a bill to Congress to overhaul the country’s immigration system, his team said earlier.

The legislation aims to provide pathways to US citizenship for undocumented people, address the causes of migration and speed up the reunification of families after children were separated from parents at the US border with Mexico.

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