78 million Nigerian children lack access to potable water – UNICEF

The United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund has said that 78 million children in Nigeria are suffering from poor water access just at it called on the Nigerian government to take action for increased water coverage across the country.

UNICEF Nigeria Chief of WASH, Dr Jane Bevan, made this statement in Abuja at the World Water Day event.

She reiterated that at least a third of all of the children in Nigeria do not have access to water at home, and two thirds do not have access to basic sanitation.

The chief WASH lamented that Nigeria is among the 10 countries in Sub Saharan Africa that carry the heaviest burden of childbirth from diseases caused by inadequate wash, diseases such as cholera.

“It kills the children most and a third of the children most in this country do not have access to safe water,” she added.

She further emphasized that, “together with the issues of accelerating climate changes and the extremes of weather that we’re seeing with the increased flooding, storms, rainfall, the increased temperatures as well which cause accelerating pathogen reduction, which means we have more cholera than in the past.

“So we need to do more, not less, for the children of Nigeria. We owe it to them to really come together, invest more for water and do our best to reach everybody with the same sanitary sanitation.”