75 Marks Of A Behavioral Healthy Individual And Organizations (Part 2)

By Dr. James Komolafe


The health of the behavior of an individual or organization is a very Germaine issue. Until we make behavior king both in the private and public sector, the society would leave much to be desired.Many of the individual and family violations we see today have cascaded into large scale wanton destruction in the society. We have massive wave of kidnapping, banditry and a host of other behavioral deficiencies on going. Medical soundness is not the same as behavioral wellness. Many today are medically sound but behaviorally sick in the homes, families and organizations. Borrow a leaf from the previous edition and leverage the following features of the behavioral health…..viz;.

75 Marks of the Behaviorally Healthy Individual and Organization!!!!  Continued from last edition

31.    It is your indissoluble entity within powering your personality for deliberate living

32.    BE + HAVE! ; The behavior health tells you “to be” first before you have! You need your personality before your possession

33.    It is your capability to know yourself, grow yourself and show yourself for fit and flotation. It is keeping you afloat in the various courses of life.

34.    It is anything you do to keep your heart, head, hand, and heels in a balance for perfect equilibrium

35.    It is not just about the mental health, but the marital health with the motivating and mastery for appreciable life and productivity.

36.    It is the art and science of disallowing the negativities of life penetrate into one and gaining control

37.    It is being your discovered and definite self in the face of the good, the bad and the ugly

38.    It is getting motivated by the negatives and positives of life without blame or blush

39.    It is shining your own light in the face of darkness because of your stern refusal to allow darkness prevail.

40.    The power to say “NO” to everything that is inconsistent with your ideologies anywhere and anytime

41.    It is the ability to repel everything that does not represent you or present you either.

42.    It is keeping your precious condition by conviction and dispersing i frivolities and irrelevances

43.    It is a clarity of focus to attract what you want in life through definite manifesting, handling your contrast in a most positive way.

44.    It is your power to recognize your contrast (what you don’t really want) and utilizing that as basis to opting for a change; a navigation from contrast to clarity

45.    It is experiencing and walking in personal freedom to live out your life in a most beneficial way.

46.    It is the knowhow of being in the place of success on your way to significance.

47.    It is separating between your concepts and contrast and choosing your desired clarity as a living reality.

48.    Behavioral health is visualizing what you want and getting it through ethical means

49.    When the power of your definite desires makes every single cell in your body to vibrate as you utilize your energies

50.    It is leveraging your personal energies to create your own world thus transiting from dreams to destinations, from visual to real, from fantasy to obvious

51.    It is believing in the possibility of your dream and taking a one billion pound determination to see it manifest, it is not giving up.It is making your dream come through by finding a way of breaking the limiting valleys other people fall into

52.    It is never allowing the past and present circumstances to foretell the future; they connect to the future reality they desire and allow that to determine the present realities.

53.    The behavioral health is tapping into our resources to deliberately create the lifestyle to be a perfect match to all that you desire

54.    It is been in agreement with yourself as a person before you would  to others

55.    It is activating the power to direct your will and activate one’s energies on purpose

56.    It is preparing yourself internally before giving response to any external issues, where you are reaching out your own essence basis for equipment

57.    It giving yourself the permission to feel your spiritual and mental life to make contribution via conscious emotional display

58.    Behavioral health?It is about you being present in your totality to capture the happenings in your life rather than thinking of something else: it is focus. It is the acknowledging of the power that is running through you for massive action plan.

59.    Being aware of your emotions and releasing your feelings to experience the substance if it for universal imprint and impact.

60.    Behavioral health is enjoying clarity from your inside first in other to define and refine the contrast you face in the daily transmission of life

61.    It is the act of creating from one’s believe system as against arguing through our limitation; it is choosing to have what you want.

62.    Alignment in behavioral health is being exactly who we are and maintaining that in a balance and appropriate manner

63.    Behavioral health is about being accountable to yourself that you have first and foremost acknowledged

64.    It is responsiveness to you for responsibilities toward others on a genuine and passionate platform.

65.    It is the ability to combine your resources together with your resourcefulness to carry out definite responsibilities

66.    Meditation culture spiraling personal connection empowering your emotion to relate to people is the hallmark to behavioral health. Concentration on your current happening and focusing on that unleash, your present experience to connect to your future

67. Behavioral health is the health of your feelings, emotions, thoughts and other internal realities known and unknown to you over time

68. It is the statement of the capture of a life from the inside to the outside given his good, bad and the ugly state per time

69. It is a trench of attitude “believe system” woven around a life and exhibiting the same around a cluster of people.

70. It is being real and truthful to oneself under any circumstances without mincing words!

71. It is the acknowledging and utilizing of one’s strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threat factors aright and being able to tweak and adjust where necessary.

72. It is the exhibition of one’s emotional content building and framing a lifestyle for a lifetime.

73. It is the product of a walk and talk strategy hitting the ground running giving the facts and figures attach to the realities around.

74. It is observing life and playing its games according to the rules without cutting corners

75. It is never a life in self-denial, but assertiveness and frankness that acknowledges the good, the bad and the ugly in order to take the best informed decision.………And lots more!!!!!!!!!!


The behavioral health captures your essence hitting the ground running the right course without pretense. You need to be in charge as you take personal responsibility.

To be forewarned now is to be forearmed. Join today in the crusade against sudden collapses. Let us personally launch a frontal attack on bad lifestyle, poor health culture and a general carefree behavior sponsoring the negative cause of poor health and hygienic practices. Take the SABA Resources test at least once in two months for free as you implement and integrate the result in self-adjustment and lifestyle overhaul. This exercise spell great wisdom for prevention as against the coming down in hypertension mode where people resort to the expensive curatives which may not eradicate the scourge;  Assess yourself monthly and keep your energy level at the optimum as you burn and build the four lanes of personal management. Be SABAwise now!!! Click the link and take it instant….https://docs.google.com/file/d/19Xc7Aure7hMzTeDnh_5TCV8_oUHTa2to/edit?usp=docslist_api&filetype=msword. Revert asap for interpretation and application. Snap and send your assessed copy to me as soon as possible.

Join in our bid to raising an advocacy against sudden collapses in 7 critical thematic areas-  i. Lifestyle collapse, ii. Lifespan collapse iii. Process collapse, iv. Relationship collapse, v. Responsibility collapse, vi. Collapses into ‘High Blood Pressure’  vii. Kidney collapse.  We can save Africa as we together flaunt this as an initiative…Africa shall be saved and Nigeria has a greater future: It is time to “Save Africans From The Sudden Collapses!!!!!! To be continued….

Dr. James Komolafe, PhD in Behavioral Health is Consultant Behaviorist /CEO, SABA Resources Psychosocial Intervention Hub… A multipurpose Centre for personal and organization wellness handling the GOOD (cases of definition)BAD( cases of violation) and the UGLY ( cases of deviation). Telephone 08035999220 email:james1kom@gmail.com YouTube Channel: James Komolafe Twitter@coachkomolafe

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