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African oil bean seed (pentaclethra macrophylla) and health benefits

By Chisom Ibemere

The African oil bean seed is a nutritious food condiment found majorly in the Eastern part of Nigeria. It is a tropical  crop belonging to the family Leguminoseae. African oil bean seed is sliced and used in preparation of delicacies.

The African oil bean seed is called “Ukpaka”, or “Ugba” in Igbo land, “Apara” in Yoruba land and “Ukana” in Efik. It is a nutrient dense condiments containing the essential vitamins and minerals required for healthy living. It is underutilized and untapped by many communities irrespective of it’s health benefits.

All the parts of the African oil bean tree are benefitial for medicinal and economic purposes. The shiny brown seeds are the most utilized part and is housed in a flattened pod that explodes when ripe making the seeds to disperse all over the area around the tree. 

The oil in the seeds are extracted and used in the production of soaps, candles and cooking oil. The shell are used in decorations and in the production of beads, dancing custumes, bags and necklaces. The wood are sources of fuel for cooking and the bark are used in herbal medicines for treating worms due to their anthelmintic properties.

Due to their anti-inflammatory properties, African oil bean seeds and the bark are used in the manufacture of ointment for treating itches, insects bites, wound and all skin related problems. 

African oil bean seed after harvesting, is cooked, sliced and allowed to ferment for a period of 3-4 days and used in preparing local dishes like the Nkwobi, Abacha, Soups and Vegetable yam.

African oil bean seeds are rich in amino acids, minerals, fatty acids and can be fortified to produce Animal feed. It has antibacterial and antimicrobial properties this can be used in fighting bacteria and microbes from the body.

The seeds of the African oil bean tree can be used in treating infertility. Some parts of the tree like the seeds, bark and leaves are used for the treatment of Gonorrhea. The African oil bean plant are sources of phytoestrogen and can be used as supplement for tackling obesity.

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