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Mines and Energy Wants Accelerated Collaboration in Combating Climate Change

The Ministry of Mines and Energy, is calling for accelerated global collaboration in combating climate change, and reducing greenhouse gas emission (GHG) below two percent Celsius.

A release from the Mines and Energy Ministry quotes Assistant Minister for Energy, William Thompson as saying, Liberia has made some level of progress towards implementing the transparency elements of the Paris Climate agreement through the Capacity Building Initiative for Transparency (CBIT) project which started in 2019, approved by the Global Environmental Facility (GEF) in 2018.

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According to Assistant Minister Thompson, experts on climate change face an even more daunting challenge to make impact towards changing perception, myth, inherent socialization, culture, behaviors, and way of life.

He said, to achieve the advocacy and awareness on climate change, efforts that would support policies and actions for the reduction in greenhouse gas emission must be through enhanced knowledge, coordination, dialogue, and information sharing.

The Assistant Minister for Energy lauded efforts by Conservation International (CI) and the Environmental Protection Agency of Liberia (EPA) for establishing a Project Steering Committee (PSC) comprising representation from the energy, waste, forestry and transportation sectors.

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